Application Note
R30AN0248EU0103 Rev.1.03 Page 1 of 15
Renesas Synergy™ Platform
Getting Started with the Audio Player Application using
This application note describes the Audio Player demonstration application for Synergy S7G2 MCU based
Kits. Audio Player is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) application that uses Synergy Software Package
(SSP) with GUIX, USBX, and FileX
. The program consists of a simple file browser with audio playback
capabilities. The interface employs several GUIX widgets and touch controls to manage the underlying Audio
Playback Framework and Mass Storage Controller (MSC).
Audio Player is based on SSP and uses Express Logic, Inc. ThreadX
Real-Time Operating System (RTOS),
GUIX, USB, and FileX through the e
studio Integrated Solutions Development Environment (ISDE) or IAR
Embedded Workbench
for Renesas Synergy™. The application code and configuration may be referenced
for event-driven HMI and MSC systems. The program includes code based on GUIX and the SSP for fast
graphics rendering and display, and uses the graphics accelerators available on the S7G2 devices. It also
implements USBX and FileX to allow it to access data on FAT-formatted USB Mass Storage Devices.
Required Resources
Any of the following Kits
Renesas Synergy SK-S7G2 Starter Kit (Currently supported)
Renesas Synergy DK-S7G2 Development Kit
Renesas Synergy PE-HMI1 Product Example for HMI applications
Renesas Synergy PK-S5D9 Promotional Kit
studio ISDE v7.3.0or later
Synergy Software Package (SSP) 1.6.0 or later
IAR EW for Synergy 8.23.3 or later
SSC v7.3.0 or later
Segger J-link
USB driver
Micro USB cables
USB 2.0 Flash drive
Download all the required Renesas software from the Renesas Synergy™ Gallery
Supported File Formats
Audio Player application is compatible with uncompressed WAVE files in PCM format. Please make sure the
audio stream is signed mono, with 16 bits per sample and sampling frequency of 44.1-kHz. The Audio Player
prevents incompatible files from playing and produce a warning message (visible on a status bar).
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1. Supported Boards and Files .................................................................................................... 3
2. Running the Audio Player Application ...................................................................................... 3
2.1 Connecting to the Board and Importing the Project into e
studio .......................................................... 3
2.2 Running and Verifying the Application .................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Limitations ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Application Features ................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Splash Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 USB Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Main Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3.2 Playback Controls ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4 Compatible Audio Formats ...................................................................................................................... 7
4. Application Design ................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Source Code Layout ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Thread Layout ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Module Hierarchy .................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.2 Thread Modules and Objects ................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Thread Initialization ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.4 Thread Resources ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.4.1 Static Variables.................................................................................................................................... 10
4.4.2 Global Variables .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.5 Inter-thread Communication .................................................................................................................. 10
4.5.1 Command Messages .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.5.2 Callback Messages ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.6 Message Process Flow Example .......................................................................................................... 12
4.7 Audio Thread Processing Flow ............................................................................................................. 12
4.8 GUI Structure ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 15
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1. Supported Boards and Files
The Audio Player demonstration application using the Audio Playback Framework supports all versions of
the S7G2 boards and PK-S5D9 board. Files supported for playback are: mono, signed, 16-bit sample,
44.1-kHz PCM streams stored in a WAVE file format. Creating compatible files is explained in section 3.4.
2. Running the Audio Player Application
2.1 Connecting to the Board and Importing the Project into e
To connect the board to power, the J-Link debugger to the PC, and the board to the PC obtain the following
To set up the power connection and the J-Link debugger connection from your PC to the JTAG connector
on the target board, refer to the S7G2 Starter Kit (SK-S7G2) Quick Start Guide,
S7G2 Development Kit
(DK-S7G2) Quick Start Guide HMI Product Example (PE-HMI) Quick Start Guide or S5D9 Promotional
Kit (PK-S5D9) Quick Start Guide.
For instructions on importing the project into e
studio and building/running the application, see the
Renesas Synergy™ Project Import Guide (r11an0023eu0121_synergy_ssp.pdf, included in this package).
2.2 Running and Verifying the Application
Before running the application, copy the audio files (bundled as part of the project) to the USB Flash drive
and connect to the USB Host connector of the Board.
You will see the Splash screen on bootup. If the audio files copied to USB drive is inserted, name of the
audio files will be displayed on the LCD screen.
Select the audio file for playing and press the play button.
The detailed Screen operation are explained in the section 3.
For boards which don’t have the in-built speaker, connect the head phones
On DK-S7G2 v3.1, verify that switch array S5 is configured to enable: JTAG, PBs, and SDRAM.
On DK-S7G2 v4.1, verify that switch array S7 and S9 is configured to enable: JTAG, USER BTNS, and
SDRAM. Also, verify the Switch S8 is configured to enable: LCD.
Volume control on SK-S7G2/PK-S5D9, DK-S7G2 boards can be controlled using the following buttons on
the Board.
Volume UP
Volume DOWN
DK-S7G2 V3.1
DK-S7G2 V4.1
Note: On PE-HMI Board, the Volume control is part of the GUI interface.
2.3 Limitations
While playing the audio using the touch interface, you will find that switching from one audio song to another
audio song the transition is not smooth. Users need to be aware of this issue. The issue will be fixed and
uploaded in the later releases. The workaround for this issue is to stop/exit and then select a new song and
start playing it.
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3. Application Features
3.1 Splash Screen
You will see the GUIX-rendered splash screen just after you start the program. After several seconds, the
screen changes to the next screen (determined by presence of the USB mass storage device).
Figure 1. Splash Screen (for PK-S5D9/SK-S7, DK-S7/PE-HMI1)
3.2 USB Screen
The USB screen is displayed when the USB mass storage device is not detected. Certain devices are
recognized fast enough for the application to skip this screen and jump straight to the main screen. Others
will require additional time to fully initialize before being recognized by the Synergy board. It will also be
displayed when no mass storage devices are plugged in.
Figure 2. USB Screen (top-left: SK-S7/PK-S5D9, top-right: DK-S7, bottom: PE-HMI1)
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3.3 Main Screen
3.3.1 Overview
The main audio player screen appears once a USB mass storage device has been detected. This window
consists of the status bar, file browser, and three buttons (five buttons on PE-HMI1). The interface
dynamically adjusts to reflect the current playback status and provide necessary functionality. The file
browser allows the user to explore the file system and open PCM WAVE files for playback.
All screen contents are rendered by D/AVE2D drawing engine and are displayed on the TFT screen
connected to the Graphic LCD Controller.
Figure 3. Main Screen (from the top: SK-S7/PK-S5D9, DK-S7, and PE-HMI1)
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3.3.2 Playback Controls
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) behaves differently for each playback status. This allows screen space to
be re-used in order to provide complete audio player functionality.
Figure 4. Main Screen (1) GUI while playback is stopped
Figure 5. Main Screen (2) GUI when audio is playing
File List
Scroll Down Scroll Up
Open Folder / Play WAV File
Playback Time Playback Status
Rewind 10
Skip forward 10
Pause Playback
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Figure 6. Main Screen (3) GUI when playback is paused
Figure 7. Main Screen on PE-HMI1 with on-screen volume controls
Due to limited screen space, the application utilizes two on-board pushbuttons (S5 and S4 on SK-S7/PK-
S5D9 and S2 and S3 on DK-S7) for playback volume control (down and up, respectively). PE-HMI1 version
of the application implements on-screen volume controls due to lack of on-board pushbuttons.
3.4 Compatible Audio Formats
The audio player application will stop any playback and take the user back to the USB Screen if the USB
device is removed. RIFF header recognition allows the program to prevent playback of incompatible WAV
files. In order to play music on your Renesas Synergy S7G2 board, make sure the USB mass storage device
is formatted to FAT16/32 and the WAVE audio files are uncompressed (PCM), signed, 16-bit per sample,
mono, 44.1-kHz streams. Status bar will display an error message once incompatible file attempts playback.
Compatible audio files can be created from most input formats using the ffmpeg codec with the following
ffmpeg -i %infile% -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 44100 %outfile%
Restart Track
Stop / Exit
Resume Playback
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4. Application Design
4.1 Source Code Layout
Code for the Audio Player is split among four thread entry files; the GUIX Event Handler, a custom
application-defined header file, and a payload definition file. This layout creates robust building blocks easily
ported into another application (if the configuration for the thread and its modules is also copied).
User-created source files:
User-generated or referenced source files:
lcd_setup/lcd_setup.c/.h (only on SK-S7/PK-S5D9)
4.2 Thread Layout
4.2.1 Module Hierarchy
Figure 8 illustrates the hierarchy and dependency of the modules belonging to each thread. Conventional
design implements GUI and Touch functionality on the same thread (usually called HMI). The Audio Player
application separates the two to emphasize independency between touch and display peripherals and also
to provide separate subscriber threads for touch and callback messages, both of which are converted and
forwarded to GUIX.
Figure 8. Module Hierarchy
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4.2.2 Thread Modules and Objects
In addition to core module blocks visible on the previous diagram, the Audio Player application employs
additional ThreadX objects such as queues and semaphores. These objects enable communication between
threads and control the code execution without blocking the processor.
4.3 Thread Initialization
Even though different functionalities are isolated into separate threads, minimal dependency between each
thread is still present. When launching the application, make sure that modules, objects, and variables that
aren’t yet initialized are not accessed from another thread. Fundamental functionality (Mass Storage Controller
and Audio Thread) must be initialized before proceeding to enable GUI and other HMI features (Touch). Audio
Player using Audio Playback Framework launches its threads in the order shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Thread Initialization Order
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4.4 Thread Resources
4.4.1 Static Variables
Storage instance in *gp_storage
Media pointer in *gp_storage_media
USB host stack in g_usb_memory
2 read buffers in g_file_buffer[2]
Buffered data size in g_acutal_size[2]
Index of accessed buffer in g_current_buffer
Directory file list in g_file_list
Index of the selected list entry in
4.4.2 Global Variables
Media Storage pointer in *gp_media
Declared in usb_thread_entry scope
Accessed from audio_thread_entry scope
Audio file RIFF header in g_file_info and audio
player status in g_player_status
Declared in audio_thread_entry scope
Accessed from audio_player_events scope
Root window pointer in *p_window_root
Declared in gui_thread_entry scope
Accessed from audio_player_events scope
4.5 Inter-thread Communication
The messaging framework is the core module responsible for communication between threads. It provides a
thread-safe way of sharing variables that is built on top of the ThreadX Queue module. It expands the basic
functionality by providing a unified scheme for message format that includes its class, code, and payload.
Since queues are only used to pass a pointer to the message, the actual message size can be greatly
increased to accommodate custom payload structure. The Audio Player application uses four different
message classes:
SSP-defined: TOUCH and AUDIO
Application-defined: APP_CMD and APP_CB (application command and callback, respectively)
Command messages (APP_ prefix):
Posted from GUIX Event Thread and pushbutton interrupt callback function
Received and parsed by Audio Thread
Callback messages (APP_CB and APP_ERR prefixes):
Posted from Audio and USB Threads
Received by GUI Thread and forwarded to GUIX Event Thread as GX_EVENT
Figure 10. Command and Callback Messages
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4.5.1 Command Messages
All command messages in the Audio Player application are processed by the Audio Thread. They lead to a
sequence of FileX and SF_MESSAGE API calls in order to control playback and dataflow into the internal
Audio Framework Thread. The messages can be sent from any thread, allowing the user to replace the GUI
with a different interface while retaining full audio playback control capabilities as the underlying USB and
Audio Threads are not affected.
Most commands use a payload structure to provide additional data such as the name of the file to be opened
or the step size for volume change. Successful execution of the command generates a callback message,
which is fed back into the GUIX Event Thread to update status of the interface or display an on-screen
4.5.2 Callback Messages
Audio Thread also posts callback messages to report completion of the task (or an error, if encountered). As
the majority of the commands are posted from the GUIX Event Thread, the callback messages are routed
into the GUIX Event Thread for the GUI to reflect the Audio Thread status (by adjusting the interface and
displaying messages).
Every status change generates a callback message. Therefore, the GUI does not have to check global
variables regularly. Instead, it only needs to acquire status upon receiving a message. All callback messages
are interpreted into GX_EVENTs so that they are handled within the window event process, along with other
GUI events such as touchscreen input. When an error callback is posted, the message payload carries a
return value from the function that failed to execute.
Figure 11. Message Flow
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4.6 Message Process Flow Example
Figure 12 is an example of the steps taken to process an “open” command and generate callback upon
successful completion of the task. Please note that the flowchart is simplified and focuses on illustrating
message flow between the threads rather than step-by-step execution sequence.
Figure 12. Message Processing Example
For more detail on audio thread processing, please see the section 4.7.
4.7 Audio Thread Processing Flow
Audio Thread implements the Audio Playback Framework, creating the foundation of this application. It is
fully controlled using the messaging framework. Since messages can be sent and received by any thread,
the graphical user interface (GUI) of this application can easily be replaced with an alternative input/output
media such as USB CDC AMC device (using USBX), telnet console, or a remote website (both using NetX).
Ping-pong buffering is used to preload audio data while maintaining seamless playback and GUI
responsiveness. Buffer size is set to 8 KB, which is enough to store about 90 ms of the 16-bit PCM mono
The thread runs in a permanent loop, first awaiting message for a single ThreadX tick (default value: 10 ms)
before generating timeout and resuming with playback processing. Here, player status is verified (to be
PLAYING) before the thread attempts to push another set of samples into the buffer. A counting semaphore
determines whether the contents of the buffer have been played. When playback is PAUSED or STOPPED,
or semaphore count is zero, the thread hands off processor control to other threads before restarting the loop
to await another message.
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Figure 13. Audio Thread Processing Flow
4.8 GUI Structure
The graphical user interface (GUI) is the primary input and output media for this application. The GUI is split
into three screens: splash, USB, and main. Content windows are embedded into, and displayed over, their
background parent window, as shown in the following graphic, to allow independent control of the
background and overlay pixel maps. Events for all widgets (such as buttons and text labels) are handled by
the event process of their parent window.
Audio Player application uses 16 alpha-enabled pixel maps and two 8-bit fonts to provide a smooth GUI
experience. These resources add up to just under 440 kB, leaving plenty of room in flash memory for
alternative themes and additional features.
Figure 14. GUI Structure
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Website and Support
Visit the following vanity URLs to learn about key elements of the Synergy Platform, download components
and related documentation, and get support.
Synergy Software
Synergy Software Package
Software add-ons
Software glossary
Development tools
Synergy Hardware
MCU glossary
Parametric search
Synergy Solutions Gallery
Partner projects
Application projects
Self-service support resources:
Chat and web ticket
Renesas Synergy™ Platform Getting Started with the Audio Player Application using SSP
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Revision History
Initial version.
Minor formatting changes.
Support for SSP v1.5.0
Updates for SSP v1.6.0
© 2019 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
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(Rev.4.0-1 November 2017)
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