AM-4 Digital Audio Machine
Hardware and Software Reference Manual
ii Welcome!
Welcome! iii
Digital Audio Machine
User’s Guide
Alcorn McBride Inc.
iv Welcome!
Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained in this manual, and the reliability
of the Alcorn McBride AM-4 Digital Audio Machine hardware and software. Errors can sometimes go
undetected, however. If you find one, please bring it to our attention so that we can correct it for others. Alcorn
McBride welcomes comments and suggestions on the content and layout of its documentation.
Applications described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Alcorn McBride Inc. assumes no responsibility
or liability for the use of these products, and makes no representation or warranty that the use of these products
for specific applications will be suitable without further testing or modification. Alcorn McBride products are
not intended for use in applications where a malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.
Customers using or selling Alcorn McBride products for use in such applications do so at their own risk, and
agree to fully indemnify Alcorn McBride for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.
This publication was created using Microsoft Word 2000 for Windows XP, Version 9.0.4119 SR-1. Camera-
ready art and illustrations were produced using Corel DRAW!, Version 8.0
Digital Audio Machine™ is a trademark of Alcorn McBride Inc., all rights reserved.
Copyright 2006 Alcorn McBride, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hardware Design: Jim Carstensen, Jeremy Scheinberg
Firmware Design: Jim Carstensen, Chris Harden
Software Design: Jim Carstensen, Chris Harden, Scott Harkless, and Joy Burke
Documentation: Jim Carstensen, Chris Harden
Mechanical Design: Martin Chaney
Demo Material:
Document Number 110-100974.00 Rev 2.7
Alcorn McBride Inc.
3300 S. Hiawassee, Suite 105
Orlando, Florida 32835
(407) 296-5800
FAX: (407) 296-5801
Demo Material:
“You Took Advantage of Me”
Performed by Tommy Bridges
Sr. Account Manager at Alcorn McBride
CD Trumpet Traditions available
Copyright 2003 Tommy Bridges
All Rights Reserved.
Welcome! v
Table of Contents
Welcome! ............................................................ 1
Features.......................................................... 2
Technical Support ......................................... 2
Quick Start Guide ............................................... 3
Playing the Demo Material........................... 3
Controls and Indicators...................................... 5
Test Button..................................................... 6
Status LED ..................................................... 6
Configuration DIP Switch ............................ 7
Voltage / Contact Closure Select Switch............. 7
Ground Lift ......................................................... 7
Write Protect ....................................................... 7
Serial Port Mode ................................................. 8
Volume Control and Audio Outputs............ 9
Balanced Outputs (optional) ............................... 9
Amplifier Outputs (optional)............................... 9
Ethernet Interface (optional)...................... 10
Power............................................................ 10
Serial Port: DB-9 Connector ...................... 10
Parallel Port: DB-37 Connector................. 11
Controlling the AM-4 ....................................... 12
Parallel Control ........................................... 12
Parallel Inputs ................................................... 12
Parallel Outputs................................................. 16
Simple Serial Control .................................. 17
Select File.......................................................... 18
Play ................................................................... 18
Loop Play.......................................................... 18
Play File ............................................................ 18
Loop File........................................................... 19
Pause ................................................................. 19
Reset.................................................................. 19
Advanced Serial Protocol ........................... 20
Acknowledge Codes..................................... 23
Serial Error Codes....................................... 23
Ethernet Control ......................................... 23
Hardware and Software Requirements .............. 23
Control Message Format ................................... 24
Control Message Checksum.............................. 24
UDP Message Layer.......................................... 25
Control Message Response ............................... 25
Scheduler .......................................................... 27
File Format / Tutorial ................................. 27
Events................................................................ 27
Fields in Detail ..................................................30
Comments & Whitespace ..................................33
Order of Operations ...........................................33
Double Occupancy ............................................34
Schedule Builder ..........................................36
Uploading New Schedules to the AM-4 ............40
File Types and Storage .....................................41
Supported WAV File Formats ....................41
Making MP3 Files........................................42
Compact Flash Media..................................42
Formatting the Compact Flash...........................43
Getting Files Into The AM-4 .......................44
Copying Files Directly Using a PC....................44
Copying Files Using an FTP Connection .......... 45
Required File Name Formats......................46
Play List Files ...............................................47
Overview ...........................................................47
Special Play List Command Summary...............48
Random Playlists ...............................................49
Example Play List..............................................49
Example Play List with BGM Mode..................50
Example Play List with Output Relay Control ..50
Power Up Operation..........................................51
Updating Your Firmware............................51
GPS Operation ..................................................52
GPS Builder..................................................53
Program Description..........................................54
Connection Diagram..........................................57
Program Operation ............................................57
Operating the AM-4 with GPS ..........................59
Connecting an LED or LCD Sign......................60
Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ ..........................61
Mechanical Information...................................65
Mechanical Dimensions.....................................65
Surface Mounting ..............................................65
Rack Mounting ..................................................67
Specifications ....................................................69
Welcome! 1
A Compact Flash card
is included with your
Thank you for purchasing The Alcorn McBride AM-4 Digital Audio Machine
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine
replaces tape machines, CDs and solid state audio
players in permanent audio playback installations, providing hours of high-
maintenance-free digital audio.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine plays MP3 audio files from rugged Compact Flash
media cards. Any size up to 2 Gbytes can be used, providing hours of MP3 audio.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can be serially controlled using standard, ASCII-
based Pioneer Laser Disc protocol, or via an optional Ethernet connection. Parallel
control is also possible through the use of contact-closures or voltage inputs.
Please browse the table of contents or index before jumping in, as we have included
valuable sections like one on getting started right out of the box playing audio. Also,
we have included a section that discusses creating of MP3 material and where to get
We would like to provide you with the latest Firmware updates for your AM-4 and
notify you when additional features become available. Please visit to sign up for automatic notifications of
Firmware upgrades. You can also visit to check for upgrades.
Have fun with your new AM-4 Digital Audio Machine!
2 Welcome!
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine offers a wide range of features including:
Plays MP3 and WAV files.
Plays from Compact Flash Storage.
Near instantaneous access to files.
Stores over 500 Tracks.
Sophisticated Play List and Real-Time Clock scheduling capabilities.
Serial RS-232C, Parallel, or optional UDP control over Ethernet.
Optional Speaker Level outputs (20Wx2).
Optional Balanced outputs.
Optional S/PDIF Digital Audio output.
GPS positional triggering capability.
Technical Support
You can obtain information about specifying, installing, configuring, updating and
programming your Alcorn McBride AM-4 Digital Audio Machine from several
Contact… When?…
Telephone Support
(407) 296-5800 M-F 9am–6pm (EST)
Fax Support
(407) 296-5801 M-F 9am-6pm (EST)
e-mail Support Any Time
Firmware Updates Any Time
Quick Start Guide 3
Quick Start Guide
Throughout this manual you will find detailed discussions on all the features of
the product. But below are a few points to get you going with the AM-4 Digital
Audio Machine right out of the box!
Playing the Demo Material
Your AM-4 Digital Audio Machine comes complete with a Compact Flash Card
already loaded with demo material. File number one is an MP3 audio file. You can
play it by doing the following:
Don’t plug anything in yet.
Grab a screwdriver and remove the two screws holding the Compact Flash
Drive cover plate, to reveal the unit’s Compact Flash Socket.
Media Cover Plate
Remove your Compact Flash Card from its protective packaging, and place
it in the unit’s Compact Flash socket. Push it in until the ejector button
comes out. As a side note, to avoid damage to the unit, never ship these
units with the Compact Flash card inside the unit.
Connect the RCA jacks to an amplifier capable of playing line level in
signals, or if your AM-4 is equipped with the speaker amplifier option,
connect (non-powered) speakers (20W min power handling) to the screw
terminals on the back of the unit.
Make sure the volume control on the rear of the unit is turned at a
reasonable level. (The groove in the knob should be almost vertical, rotated
slightly to the left.)
Plug in the unit with the included power supply. There is a status LED next
to the Compact Flash socket that should blink briefly while it accesses the
Compact Flash card.
Press the round black test button located on the front of the unit beside the
Verify you see the status LED turn Green. You should be hearing audio! If
not, turn up the volume a little. There is a diagram on the next page, and a
Troubleshooting guide in the back of this manual for your assistance.
4 Quick Start Guide
Controls and Indicators 5
Controls and Indicators
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine provides controls that can accommodate a wide variety of installations. The
front panel incorporates a test button, status indicator, Compact Flash Card slot. The rear panel provides the
line-level audio outputs and control connectors. Depending on which option cards are installed, the rear panel
can also contain speaker-level outputs or balanced and S/PDIF digital audio outputs, or an Ethernet jack.
Balanced Audio Module Option
Amplifier Module Option
Test Button
Status LED
Compact Flash
Parallel Control
Ethernet Jack
Configuration DIP
L/R Line-Level
Audio Outputs
Digital Audio
Balanced Audio
Speaker Outputs
6 Controls and Indicators
Test Button
Be sure that the Write
Protect DIP switch is
OFF before trying to
format the Compact
Use your PC to format
Compact Flash cards
larger than 2G in size.'
A recessed push-button is located on the front of the unit. This button is used to
“test” play the unit and will play the first file found on the media. It could be a
either a sound file or a playlist.
The test button is also used to format the Compact Flash card. If you hold in the test
button while inserting the card a format operation will take place. While formatting,
the Status LED will turn green. The operation takes only a couple of seconds.
Important: Formatting will result in the loss of all data on the Compact Flash
Status LED
A dual-color LED located on the front of the unit indicates status.
LED Behavior LED Meaning
Steady green Playing
Steady orange Paused or Waiting
Steady red Muted
Flashing red Fault
Flashing green Drive Access or GPS input active
Flashing green/red Updating OS
Off Idle
The LED blinks green briefly during initialization and while accessing the compact
flash media.
Controls and Indicators 7
Configuration DIP Switch
Voltage / Contact Closure Select Switch
A 4 key DIP switch (red with white keys) is located on the rear of the unit below the
DB-37 Control Connector. Its first key selects between voltage inputs or contact
closures for the discrete controls. More information on these inputs may be found in
the section entitled Rear Panel Connectors. For contact closure mode, push the DIP
switch #1 to “ON”.
Ground Lift
Be sure to configure the
AM-4 Digital Audio
Machine’s switches
before rack mounting
the units, or the
switches may be
In the event of AC hum or noise caused by potential ground loops, the second key on the 4
key DIP switch, may be opened to isolate the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine’s ground from its
chassis. For ground lifting, push the DIP switch #2 to OFF.
Write Protect
You can protect the contents of the Compact Flash card by turning on the third key on the 4
key DIP switch. With this switch ON, all write operations including file copying, file
deleting, renaming, and formatting are disabled. For normal write operations, turn this switch
8 Controls and Indicators
Serial Port Mode
Refer to the GPS section
in this manual for
For normal serial port control, turn off the fourth key on the 4 key DIP switch. To
enable GPS mouse operation, turn this switch ON.
Controls and Indicators 9
Volume Control and Audio Outputs
To increase volume
rotate the post
The RCA outputs
provide a standard
-10dbu unbalanced
Please refer to the
Advanced Serial
Control section of this
manual for details.
The volume control is the gray colored post protruding from the rear of the unit next
to the RCA jacks. It controls volume for the RCA line level outputs, as well as for
the optional speaker or balanced outputs. It does not control the volume on the
optional S/PDIF digital audio output.
If using power speakers, you may need to adjust the volume control to about 90
degrees from Off for an optimum. You can then adjust the volume on the powered
You can also control the volume via serial or UDP commands. When using the serial
or UDP commands to control volume, you might want to set the manual volume
control knob at maximum otherwise full output volume will not be obtainable.
Balanced Outputs (optional)
The balanced output
level is +4dBu. The
S/PDIF output is a
standard IEC-958
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can be ordered with a module which supplies
balanced line-level outputs and a S/PDIF digital audio output. The balanced outputs
are provided on combination ¼ inch XLR jacks, and the S/PDIF output is on an RCA
Amplifier Outputs (optional)
Be sure to pay attention
to the speaker polarity
while making
If equipped with the amplifier option, each amplifier output is capable of up to
20Watts of power into 8 ohms. The line level outputs work along with the speaker
level outputs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not bridge the speaker outputs or damage will occur.
10 Controls and Indicators
Ethernet Interface (optional)
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can be ordered with an optional Ethernet Module
which adds control and file transfer capabilities to the AM-4 over a standard Ethernet
connection. The Ethernet interface is provided on a standard RJ-45 jack.
Two LED indicate Ethernet status as shown below. The Green LED should be on
whenever an active Ethernet connection is detected, and the Yellow LED flashes
whenever Ethernet activity occurs.
Please refer to the sections in this manual explaining FTP and UDP operation for
more details on Ethernet functionality.
The power input is a 2.5x5.5x10mm barrel connector with center pin (+) and the
outer rim (-). The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine requires 12.0 VDC to 25.0 VDC at 2
Amp. This is useful for mobile applications where an automotive battery is used to
power a Compact Flash Card or Compact Flash Card hard drive. DO NOT EXCEED
input universal switching power supply is provided with the unit.
A plastic strain relief can be threaded through slots near the power input jack to
secure the barrel connector if the AM-4 is installed in a high-vibration environment.
Serial Port: DB-9 Connector
A serial cable is
vided with each AM-
4 Digital Audio
This input is a standard DB-9 male RS-232C connector, intended to be connected to
a PC using a straight-through (not null-modem) 9-pin cable. The pinout appears
Pin Function
2 TXD (data from AM-4
Digital Audio Machine)
3 RXD (data to AM-4 Digital
Audio Machine)
Link (Green)
Activity (Yellow)
Controls and Indicators 11
Parallel Port: DB-37 Connector
Be sure to configure the
AM-4 Digital Audio
Machine for contact
closures or voltage
inputs before
connecting any wires.
Note: The Fault output
relay will be active
(closed) immediately
after power-up
indicating that power
was lost. The first valid
command causes the
relay to open.
This connector provides all of the signals needed to interface to the AM-4 Digital
Audio Machine. Files numbered 1 through 15 of the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine
may be played, paused or stopped using eight parallel inputs located on the rear
connector. These inputs may be either contact closures such as momentary buttons,
or voltage inputs from a controller such as a PLC.
The DIP switch located on the side
of the unit next to the connector selects between the two input types. More
information on these inputs may be found in the section entitled Parallel Control.
Two dry-contact relay outputs provide Fault and Playing status (closed when active).
A current-limited (100mA max.) 5VDC output can be used to light external LED
indicators, and an extra power supply input exists so that the 37-
pin connector can be
used to supply power instead of the barrel jack. Any of the ground connections may
be used for the return.
The pinout of the Control Connector is shown below:
Pin Function Pin Function
1 Mute 20 Ground
2 Pause (see Note 1) 21 Ground
3 Stop 22 Ground
4 Loop (see Note 2) 23 Ground
5 File Select 1 24 Ground
6 File Select 2 25 Ground
7 File Select 4 26 Ground
8 File Select 8 27 Ground
9 Playing Output (contact 1) 28 Playing Output (contact 2)
10 Fault Output (contact 1) 29 Fault Output (contact 2)
11 Mute (voltage input) 30 5 VDC output, 100 mA max.
12 Pause (voltage input) 31 Ground
13 Stop (voltage input) 32 Ground
14 Loop (voltage input) 33 Ground
15 File Select 1 (voltage input) 34 Ground
16 File Select 2 (voltage input) 35 Ground
17 File Select 4 (voltage input) 36 Ground
18 File Select 8 (voltage input) 37 Ground
19 Extra Power Supply Input
Note 1: If the Pause input is activated on power-up the Play Next mode is activated
(Please refer to Parallel Control chapter for details).
Note 2: If the Loop input is activated on power-up the Playlist & Volume
Increment/Decrement mode is activated (Please refer to Parallel Control Chapter for
12 Controlling the AM-4
Controlling the AM-4
Parallel Control
Parallel Inputs
Be sure to configure the
DIP switch before
connecting any wires.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can be controlled using either contact closures or
voltage inputs on the female DB-37 Control Connector. DIP switch number 1 selects
between the two input types. Voltage inputs are rated for 24 VDC. The table below
describes the function of each input.
Function Voltage
Mute 11(+),1(-) 1,20 Ramps the audio to zero volume and
maintains it there as long as Mute is
asserted. When Mute is released, audio
returns to full volume.
Pause 12(+),2(-) 2,21 Pauses the file currently playing. Pause is
maintained as long as it is asserted. Play
will resume when the file is commanded to
play again.
Stop 13(+),3(-) 3,22 Stops the file currently playing. If the file
is a Play List, it is aborted.
Loop 14(+),4(-) 4,23 Causes the selected file to loop indefinitely
from beginning to end. If the file is a Play
List, all tracks will be played and then the
file will loop. The state of this input is
examined at the start of each file.
File Select 1 15(+),5(-) 5,24 Binary-encoded input plays files 1-15.
File Select 2 16(+),6(-) 6,25 Binary-encoded input plays files 1-15.
File Select 4 17(+),7(-) 7,26 Binary-encoded input plays files 1-15.
File Select 8 18(+),8(-) 8,27 Binary-encoded input plays files 1-15.
The binary file select inputs are used to play the first 15 files. These inputs may be
contact closures or voltages, depending upon the input select DIP switch described in
the Configuration DIP switch section of this manual. The inputs are change-sensitive;
that is, when a change is detected, the new file will be played. It is therefore
important that the four bits change at the same time.
If the same file number is selected repeatedly it will normally interrupt itself and
begin again. When processing a Play List, if the Play List is selected repeatedly it
advances from entry to entry within the list – unless the “Uninterruptible” flag has
been set (see the Play List section for more information).
Controlling the AM-4 13
The table below shows the binary combinations possible, and what file they select:
8 4 2 1 File
Off Off Off Off None
Off Off Off On 1
Off Off On Off 2
Off Off On On 3
Off On Off Off 4
Off On Off On 5
Off On On Off 6
Off On On On 7
On Off Off Off 8
On Off Off On 9
On Off On Off 10
On Off On On 11
On On Off Off 12
On On Off On 13
On On On Off 14
On On On On 15
For example, connecting pins 8 and 27 together with the slide switch set in the
contact closure position will cause file 8 to play.
The loop input is read
at the start of the file.
The file will be looped if the loop command is asserted when the file is played. If the
file is a Play List, all tracks will be played and then the Play List will loop.
The file select inputs may also be strapped to automatically play a file on power-up.
That file number takes precedence over any autoexec files that may be on the drive
(see power up operation). If an autoexec file exists and the loop input is strapped, it
will play indefinitely.
The simplest possible configuration is to connect four switches to the unit’s four file
select lines. These switches will play files 1, 2, 4 and 8. (The missing file numbers
need not exist.) Sixteen switches may be connected without an external controller, by
using a diode matrix. One side of each switch is connected to a wire that goes to
signal ground. The other sides of the switches are connected through signal diodes,
such as a 1N914 or 1N4148, to the file select inputs.
Special Modes
Play Next Mode
If the Pause input is activated on power-up, Play commands (and File Selects) will
operate as Play Next, thereby not interrupting the currently playing sound and instead
cue up the next sound to play when the current sound has finished.
14 Controlling the AM-4
Playlist Increment/Decrement & Volume Control
If the Loop input is activated on power-up, the File Select inputs operate as Playlist
and Volume Increment/Decrement as shown here:
File Select 1 = Increment Playlist Number
File Select 2 = Decrement Playlist Number
File Select 4 = Increase Volume
File Select 8 = Decrease Volume
This allows the use of just two toggle switches for playlist selection and volume
Controlling the AM-4 15
Using a terminal block
to hold the diodes
makes the wiring neater.
For example, the following circuit allows switches to select files 1 to 15:
DB37 Contact Closure Diode Network Diagram for 15 Clips
The 37pin connector
on the diagram is
inverted from what you
see when looking at
the back of our
This is so that
you can see what it will look
like when making a cable
assembly. Remember to
have the I/O setting to
Contact Closure.
You may use this as a guide
for building a diode network,
but it is only a reference.
We are not responsible for
any obvious errors in the
diagram. Use logic to verify
your setup is correct. If you
find errors with this diagram,
please notify Alcorn McBride.
You can help us help other
customers with the same
Clip 3
1 2
Clip 1
1 2
Clip 2
1 2
Clip 4
1 2
Clip 5
1 2
Clip 6
1 2
Clip 7
1 2
Clip 8
Clip 9
1 2
Clip 10
1 2
Clip 11
1 2
Clip 12
1 2
Clip 15
1 2
Clip 14
1 2
Clip 13
1 2
1 2
I/O connector
If you don’t want to wire this circuit yourself, we have a cheap, discrete control
breakout-board that lets you directly select all 15 files and the control contacts like
Play, Stop, etc… without touching a diode or your soldering iron. Look for the
Input Expander at for details.
16 Controlling the AM-4
Voltage inputs, such as from a PLC, could be wired this way:
24 Volt Output 8
Ground Reference
24 Volt Output 4
24 Volt Output 2
24 Volt Output 1
Switch set
to voltage
Diodes are not needed, since the PLC can actuate any combination of lines desired.
Parallel Outputs
Two status outputs are provided. They are dry contact closures rated at 24 VDC and
0.9 amp max. Their function is described below.
Function Pins Description
Playing 9,28 Closed when the unit is playing.
Fault 10,29 Closed when the unit detects a fault
You can also control these outputs with serial “Relay” commands. One practical
application of this is to embed the “Relay” commands in a playlist along with “Play
Sound” commands. This way you can close or open a relay when a sound plays or
Please refer to the Miscellaneous Commands under Advanced Serial Protocol for
details on how the “Relay” command works, and to the Playlist Section for an
example playlist which demonstrates the use of the “Relay” command.
Controlling the AM-4 17
Simple Serial Control
For serial communications
with a PC or an Alcorn
McBride Show Controller, use
the supplied straight-thru (not
Null) serial cable supplied
with the AM-4.
UDP communications take
place on Port 2639.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine may be controlled using serial RS-232C
messages via the rear DB-9 Programming Connector, or with UDP (User Datagram
Protocol) messages via the optional Ethernet interface. The serial data format is
9600,N,8,1: 9600 baud, 8 bits/byte, no parity, with one stop bit.
For UDP operation you must first set the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway
address (if applicable) by issuing the corresponding serial commands. Please refer
to the Advanced Serial Protocol section in this manual for specific details on what
commands are used to set up the Ethernet interface.
AMI Terminal is a Windows application that can be used to control the AM-4 (as
well as other Alcorn McBride equipment). It is available on the Alcorn McBride
Website at
The control protocol is ASCII-based, and many commands are identical to Pioneer
Laser Disc protocol. Upper or lower case characters can be used interchangeably.
The most commonly used serial commands for playback are:
Command Function
Select File Select a file
Play Play the selected file
Loop Play Play the selected file over and over
Play File Same as Play, except file is specified
in command
Loop File Same as Loop Play, except file is
specified in command
Pause Pause at current location. The Play
Command resumes playback.
Stop Stops playback.
The details of these commands are listed in this section. Many other commands are
also possible, and are summarized in the section entitled Advanced Serial Protocol.
Unless otherwise noted, all of these commands operate on any type of file, whether
audio track or Play List. Throughout this manual <CR> means carriage return, a byte
with the hexadecimal value 0D.
18 Controlling the AM-4
Select File
Description: This command causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to select the specified audio
track or Play List on the currently selected media. Once this command is sent, the
next Play command causes the specified file to play from the beginning. The unit
defaults to file #1 at power-up, unless an autoexec file exists. When receiving this
command, the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine always looks for the file on the currently
selected drive.
Command Bytes: nSE<CR> or nnSE<CR> or nnnSE<CR>
where n, nn, or nnn is the file number in ASCII.
Message Response: R<CR>
Comments: This is similar to the “Search to Address” command in chapter addressing mode used
in Pioneer Laser Disc protocol. The maximum file number is 511.
Examples: Select file 215. 215SE<CR>
Select file 4. 4SE<CR>
Description: This command causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to play the file which was
specified with the “Select File” command. If a track is paused, this command resumes
play. If this command is issued while a Play List is being played, the AM-4 Digital
Audio Machine will skip to the next track in the Play List and play it. This command
sends a response when it is executed, and another when the playback is complete.
Command bytes: PL<CR>
Message Response: R<CR>
Completion Response: <CR>
Loop Play
Description: This command causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to play the file specified by
the Select File command and loop back to the beginning. If the file is a Play List, all
of the tracks in the Play List will be played and then the entire Play List will restart.
Command bytes: LP<CR>
Message Response: R<CR>
Play File
Description: This command is the same as the Play command, except the file number or name is
specified as part of the command so no prior Select File command is required.
Command bytes: nPL<CR>
Where n is the file number or name (surrounded in quotes).
Example: 3PL<CR> plays file number 3.
Example: “bark.mp3”PL<CR> plays the file named “bark.mp3”
Message Response: R<CR>
Completion Response: <CR>
Controlling the AM-4 19
Loop File
Description: This command is the same as the Play File command, except the sound is looped
back to the beginning at the end.
Command bytes: nLP<CR>
Where n is the file number or name (surrounded in quotes).
Example: 3LP<CR> loops file number 3.
Example: “rain.mp3”PL<CR> loops the file named “rain.mp3”
Message Response: R<CR>
Description: This command causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to pause. The file will
resume from where it left off whenever another Play command is issued. The LED
will glow orange when in Pause mode.
Command bytes: PA<CR>
Message Response: R<CR>
Comments: If a Select File command is issued while in Pause mode, playback will start from the
beginning of the selected file whenever another Play command is issued.
Description: This command causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to stop playing, just as if the
parallel Stop input had been activated.
Command bytes: RJ<CR>
Message Response: R<CR>
20 Controlling the AM-4
Advanced Serial Protocol
Many of these commands
and error codes are listed
in the AM4’s onboard
menu. Type /? And press
Enter to see it.
Precede commands with
<ID>@ when the serial
control is shared among
many units.
The table below shows the complete AM-4 Digital Audio Machine serial
protocol, including the Pioneer LDP compatible commands and our extensions.
Using these commands, an external controller or PC can accomplish extremely
complex tasks. Throughout the following table <CR> means carriage return, a
byte with the hexadecimal value of 0D.
Note: All commands can be preceded with a unique Unit ID byte <ID> follo
by an ‘@’ symbol. This byte is a unique address specified in the Set Unit ID
command, and can be used to communicate to a specific unit connected to a
common RS232C serial bus.
For sake of completeness, all serial commands are listed here. Please refer to
the sections in this manual detailing Ethernet and Scheduler operations for how
serial commands related these functions are used.
Playback Control Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Play File nPL<CR>
where n = file name or number
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon completion
Automatically stops
at end of track
Loop File nLP<CR>
where n = file name or number
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon loop point
Automatically loops
at end of track
Select File nSE<CR>
R<CR> Only file number or name
addressing is supported
(not frames or time)
Play PL<CR> R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon completion
File needs to be Selected first
using the SE command
Loop LP<CR> R<CR> File needs to be Selected first
using the SE command
Play Next (see note 3) nPN<CR>
where n = file name or number
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon completion
Cues the file up to play when
currently playing file finishes
Loop Next (see note 3) nLN<CR>
where n = file name or number
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon loop point
Cues the file up to loop when
currently playing file finishes
Shuffle Play SH<CR>
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> each completion
Shuffle plays all files on
Pause PA<CR> R<CR> Issue Play to resume
Announce (see note 3) nAN<CR>
where n = announcement file
name or number
R<CR> upon receipt
<CR> upon completion
Interrupts a file and plays
announcement. Original file
resumes from where it left off
after announcement.
Set BGM Mode nBG<CR> R<CR> n = 0 Disable BGM Playlist
n = 1 Enable BGM Playlist
Volume Control nAD<CR> R<CR> n = 0 Mute n = * Unmute
n = 1-10 Relative Volume
Level with 10 being loudest.
Volume Fade-In time nnFD<CR>
where nn = fade time in
seconds (0 to 10 seconds)
R<CR> Each play will fade up to the
volume setting over the
specified time
Current Status ?P<CR> P04<CR> = playing
P03<CR> = file searched
P01<CR> = idle
Controlling the AM-4 21
Media Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Drive Directory Request ?D<CR> ASCII table
Format Drive FO<CR> R<CR> upon receipt
R<CR> upon completion
Write protect DIP switch
must be in the OFF position
Total Storage Request ?R<CR> nnnnnnn<CR> number of bytes (hex)
Scheduler & GPS Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Set Time Zone nTZ<CR> R<CR> n= number of hours behind
UTC (ex. Orlando is 5TZ)
Set Longitude nLO<CR> R<CR> n= longitude
ex. 26LG, n26LG, -15LG,
Set Latitude nLA<CR> R<CR> n= latitude
ex. 26LA, w26LA, -15LA,
Set Longitude/Latitude
used for GPS triggering.
ddmm.mmmm R<CR> dd = degrees longitude or
mm.mmmm = minutes and
decimal minutes
Set Date mDA<CR> R<CR> m=mm/dd/yyyy
(ex.12/12/2003DA) use
slashes, dashes or periods. 2-
digit years are accepted also.
Set Time mTI<CR> R<CR> m=hh:mm:ssTI
(ex. 01:02:56TI) - military
Set Daylight Saving Time
Support On/Off
nSD<CR> R<CR> n= 1 use DST
n= 0 don’t use DST
Set Daylight Saving Time
nnnDT<CR> R<CR> nnn = USA, UTC, or AUS for
now. Other DST's can be
added on request.
Set Scheduler Bootup
nBD<CR> R<CR> n= number of seconds before
scheduler starts after reboot
Get Time Zone TZ<CR> Timezone<CR>
Get Longitude LO<CR> Longitude <CR>
Get Latitude LA<CR> Latitude <CR>
Get Time TI<CR> Time<CR>
Get Date DA<CR> Date<CR>
Get DST support SD<CR> n<CR> n= 1 using DST
n= 0 not using DST
Get DST Type DT<CR> DST Type<CR> USA, UTC, or ASU
currently. Other DST's can be
added on request.
22 Controlling the AM-4
Ethernet Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Set IP Address<CR> R<CR>
Set Subnet Mask<CR> R<CR>
Set Gateway<CR> R<CR>
Get IP Address IP<CR> IP String<CR>
Get Gateway Address GW<CR> DefaultGateway<CR>
Get Subnet Mask SM<CR> Subnet Mask <CR>
Set FTP User Name nUS<CR> R<CR> n = ASCII user name (up to
32 characters)
Get FTP User Name US<CR> ASCII string
Set FTP Password pPW<CR> R<CR> p = ASCII user name (up to
32 characters)
Get FTP Password PW<CR> ASCII string
Enable NTP 1NE<CR> R<CR>
Set NTP Server Address<CR> R<CR>
Get NTP Server Address NI<CR> IP String<CR>
Miscellaneous Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Set Baud Rate nBR<CR> R<CR> n = 0 -> 300 baud
n = 1 -> 600 baud
n = 2 -> 1200 baud
n = 3 -> 2400 baud
n = 4 -> 4800 baud
n = 5 -> 9600 baud
n = 6 -> 19200 baud
n = 7 -> 38400 baud
n = 8 -> 57600 baud
n = 9 -> 115200 baud
SendString “string”SS<CR> R<CR> Sends string out serial port.
(See note 1 below)
Set Real Time Clock
nTC<CR> R<CR> n = +ss or -ss where 0<ss<59
number of seconds to
advance(+) or retard(-) real-
time clock each day
Get RTC Calibration TC<CR> n<CR> n = +/-ss (see above)
Set Device ID nID<CR> R<CR> n = number 0 to 255
Get Device ID ID<CR> ID<CR> ID = number 0 to 255
Firmware Version Request ?V<CR> ASCII string
Menu of Commands /?<CR> ASCII table
Manual Output Relay
nRL<CR> R<CR> n = 1P (turns on Play relay)
n = 0P (turns off Play relay)
n = 1F (turns on Fault relay)
n = 0F (turns off Fault relay)
n = X return relays to normal
function (See note 2 below)
Playlist Bank Select nBS<CR>
where n = 0 to 9
R<CR> Adds 10,000 to the selected
Playlist file number. This
allows you to select a Playlist
Bank so that, for example,
different playlists can be
played at different times of
the day when this command is
Controlling the AM-4 23
used in a schedule.
Soft reboot the MP3 AM XX -- Same as power-on reset.
1) When using the SendString command, ASCII Strings are surrounded by quotes, HEX bytes begin with H.
Example h22This is an ASCII Stringh22SS or “This is an ASCII String”SS in a play list text file.
2) Once a Manual Output Relay command is received, the Play and Fault outputs will no longer operate as
their default “Play” and “Fault” functions. To return them to their default operation, send an ‘X’ as the
command argument.
3) These commands available when playing MP3 files only.
Acknowledge Codes
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine responds to the Play command with R<CR> when received, and an additional
<CR> when the track ends. This maintains Pioneer command compatibility while providing completion
Serial Error Codes
Any R<CR> response will be replaced by a message of the form Enn<CR> if an error occurs. The error codes
are listed in the following table.
Error Code Description What to Do:
E00 Communication Error Check your serial connections
E04 Feature Not Available Yet Have you entered the correct command? Check for avail.
E11 Media Not Present Is the Compact Flash inserted? Formatted? A recommended brand?
E12 Search Error Selecting the correct file? Is the file on the card? Is it named correctly?
Ethernet Control
Note: This section only applies only if your AM-4 is equipped with the optional Ethernet Module.
All the commands that are supported in the Serial Protocol are also
supported via UDP control over Ethernet. By sending UDP (User
Datagram Protocol) packets across a network, you can communicate
with and control many AM4’s simultaneously (using Unit ID’s) and/or
Hardware and Software Requirements
Any Ethernet capable show controller or PC with a network interface card can send
messages to AM4’s located on the same network. To use Ethernet control, your
control source must have a way to broadcast UDP packets containing arbitrary
message bytes to a specific UDP port number (XXXX). Each AM4 must be
connected to the physical network via the RJ-45 Ethernet connector on the rear of the
unit. All AM4’s must have different IP Addresses to reside on the same Ethernet
24 Controlling the AM-4
network. See the Web Page Setup section for information on setting IP Address and
Unit ID.
AMINet Protocol
The user data sent in the UDP packet follows our AMINet Ethernet protocol.
AMINet was originally developed for use with our Ethernet Machine, which provides
an Ethernet backbone for communication between Alcorn McBride Show
Controllers. Now the same, easy to use protocol can be used to control the AM4.
AMINet is a very flexible and robust Ethernet protocol that allows for many different
uses; however, only one of AMINet’s command op-codes is necessary to transmit
commands to the AM4 making the usage very simple.
Control Message Format
The control source will send a UDP packet that contains a AM4 Control Message as
the User Data in the packet. A AM4 Control Message is comprised of a few bytes
needed specifically for AMINet and some Command bytes. The Command simply
needs to contain an Addressed Pioneer / AMI serial protocol command. For
example, A AM4 Control Message containing the Command bytes 7@?V<CR>
would cause the AM4 on the network with Unit ID 7 to send back a UDP packet
containing its version information. Please see the Pioneer / AMI Serial Protocol
section for detailed information about the rest of the command set.
The basic format of a AM4 Control Message is as follows:
0xF1 0x01 0x04 <Pioneer / AMI Serial Command> <Checksum> 0xF2
The only bytes that change from message to message are the Command bytes and the
Checksum. The command corresponds exactly to an Addressed Pioneer / AMI serial
Control Message Checksum
The Checksum is the summation of the hexadecimal value of all of the bytes in the
Control Message except the first byte (0xF1), the last byte (0xF2) and of course the
Checksum itself. The value of the checksum may easily increase to a value that
cannot be represented by one byte. This situation calls for what we call number
If the value of the Checksum is between 0x00 and 0xF9 (0-249), the value is
represented in only 8 bits (1 byte). If the value is between 0xFA and 0xFFFF (250-
65535), the value is represented in 16 bits (2 bytes) and is preceded by 0xFF to
signify the number has been expanded to 16 bits. If the value is between 0x10000
and 0xFFFFFF (65536-16777215), the value is represented in 24 bits (3 bytes) and is
preceded by 0xFE to signify the number has been expanded to 24 bits. The following
example shows a Control Message with an expanded Checksum.
0xF1 0x01 0x04 5 5 @ R J <CR> 0xFF 0x01 0x58 0xF2
The value of the checksum is calculated by adding the hexadecimal values of each
byte preceding it except the first byte (0xF1) as follows:
0x01 + 0x04 + 0x35 + 0x35 + 0x40 + 0x52 + 0x4A + 0x0D = 0x158.
The Checksum in this example is 0x158, but because it is greater 0xF9, the two-byte
Checksum is preceded by 0xFF.
Controlling the AM-4 25
UDP Message Layer
The control source sends UDP Packets to the AM4. A UDP Packet contains
information about the packet source (IP Address, Port number) as well as definable
user data. The user data contains the entire AM4 Control Message including all
AMINet specific bytes. These packets should be sent to the broadcast IP Address
(0xFFFFFF) or the specific AM4 address with UDP port number 2639.
Control Message Response
The unit will normally send back a response to each Control Message it receives.
The user data in these responses exactly match those in the Pioneer / AMI control
command descriptions. For example, you’ll receive an “R” contained when you send
a “PL” contained in the AMINet wrapper. The responses are sent to the IP Address
and UDP Port number found in the UDP packet that contained the original Control
Message. As with the Addressable serial protocol, any Control Message sent to the
wildcard unit ID (127) will not receive any response. This practice avoids any
potential confusion at the source of the Control Message due to many responses to
the same message.
A Software Developer’s Kit with C Source Code implementing this protocol is
available on our website at
26 Controlling the AM-4
Scheduler 27
Note: You can
download the
Builder program
which makes
schedules easy.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine has a down-to-the-minute scheduler
based upon its internal real time clock. At any time of day and date of
year, the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can start or stop playback of
any file or play list, or do whatever it is supposed to at 3pm on January
15th 2009, for example. This functionality is built into a feature called
the Scheduler.
File Format / Tutorial
The Scheduler uses a text file loaded onto the compact flash of the AM-4 Digital
Audio Machine. The text file can be edited in a text editor, like notepad. The
schedule filename is schedule.scl.
A schedule contains a list of events. Each event consists of a command usually used
to start or stop playback of a particular file or playlist at a particular time. It
essentially executes the same serial commands used for external control of the AM-4,
except that it does so on a scheduled basis. In fact, any serial command listed in the
Advanced Serial Protocol section of this manual may be used as an event in the
Each command event has a variety of parameters that can be applied to it in order to
customize the AM-4’s behavior. In order to understand how you specify command
events in the AM-4, let’s start with a simple example and build it to a more feature-
rich example.
28 Scheduler
Command Event
Example 1: T:13:46 D:01/1/2010 E:Command 1:"1PL"
Each event exists on one line and is made up of several fields. Example 1 shows the
minimum number of fields you need to define an event, which are an Event, a Start
Time, possibly a required data field, and a Start Date. Each field begins with a
delimiter as shown in the following table:
Delimiter Field
Starting time (hh:mm) (military time – leading zeros for hours required)
Starting date (mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy . You can use periods, slashes,
or dashes to separate dates)
Ending time (hh:mm) (military time)
Ending date (mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy . You can use periods, slashes,
or dashes to separate dates)
Parameter 1 for the event
Parameter 2 for the event
Parameter 3 for the event
Parameter 4 for the event
Repeat Number: repeat after this number of periods has expired
Repeat Period: Time to wait between executions, used with Repeat
Number and Set when necessary
Repeat Set: special case usage described below
Although not a field, this marks a comment
Now that we have seen a table of the event fields, let’s look at Example 1. Here are
its fields:
Start Time: 1:46pm in the afternoon (13:46 military)
Start Date: January 1
Note: The carriage
return is automatically
inserted by the
scheduler, so do not
include it.
Event: Command event, which is a generalized event allowing the scheduler
to send a
custom string to the AM-4’s serial processing section.
Field 1, the command string, specified as “1PL”, commands the AM4 to play file
number 1.
Notice that the string, ”1PL”, matches the command that would be used to play the file
if the unit were being controlled by an external serial controller.
Scheduler 29
Example 2: T:14:46 D:01/1/2010 E:Command 1:"RJ"
Two things have changed in this example.
Start Time: 2:46pm in the afternoon (14:46 military)
Start Date: January 1
2010. (same as Example 1)
Event: Command event (same as Example 1)
Field 1, the string, defined as “RJ”, will cause the AM4 to stop playback.
So using the two examples together in a schedule file will cause file number one to
begin playback at 1:46PM on January 1
, 2010 and stop playback at 2:46PM the
same day.
The Command event actually has more fields associated it with it, that are not
required. So let’s look at it with those fields filled in:
Example3: (New fields are in bold. kept on one line for clarity.)
T:14:46 D:01/1/2010 R:30 P:minute A:1.3.00 I:3:00 E:Command1:"1PL” ;Repeats a while
We’ve now added:
Repeat Number: 30
Repeat Period: minute
Ending Time: 3am in the morning (3:00 military)
Ending Date: January 3
Comment: We also stuck a comment “Repeats a while” at the end of the line, by
prefixing it with a semicolon (;). Anything found after a semicolon is ignored by
the scheduler. You can place a comment on its own line, if you like.
The Repeat Number acts as a multiplier of the Repeat Period. They should be
read in conjunction like this: “Repeat this event every 30 minutes”.
The only field not discussed yet is a set.
Example 4:
T:1:00 D:11-28-02 R:4 P:Thursday S:November E:Command1:"1PL”
A set defines a certain range of valid repeat periods. In Example 4, only the
Thursdays in November are eligible for this event. When a set is used in an event,
the Repeat Number takes on a different meaning. Instead of being a multiplier of the
Repeat Period, it and the Repeat Period become an index of the set. These three
fields should be read in conjunction like this: “Repeat this event every 4
Thursday in November.”
30 Scheduler
Fields in Detail
There is a summary table in the File Format/Tutorial section that lists all the fields
for your reference. Since the Command Event, and event Parameter fields have been
discussed, we’ll discuss the rest of the fields here.
T: Start Time
The Start Time is the hour and minute your event becomes active. For most cases
being active simple means gets executed. You specify it in military time 00:00 is
midnight, 23:59, 11:59pm, is last minute of the day something can be scheduled.
You can specify the word BOOT as the field’s value. This used to make an event get
executed upon every reboot after the start time and start day have been reached.
D: Start Date
The Start Date is the month, day, and year your event becomes active. For most
cases being active simple means gets executed. You specify it in a variety of ways.
You can use periods, slashes, or dashes to separate the fields of the dates. Dates
from the year 2000 to the year 2099 are supported. Leap years are handled.
I: End Time
The End Time is the hour and minute your event stops being active. See the T: Start
Time section for syntax.
A: End Date
The End Date is the month, day, and year your event stops being active. See the D:
Start Date section for syntax.
Scheduler 31
R: Repeat Number
The Repeat Number acts in one of two ways:
With no Repeat Set field present.
With a Repeat Set field present:
1. With no Repeat Set field present:
This is the most common usage of the Repeat Number. It acts as a multiplier of the
Repeat Period. They should be read in conjunction like this: “Repeat this event
every <repeat number> <repeat period>”. Ex.“Repeat this event every 30
The repeat number can be anywhere from 1 to over 4billion. You can specify
repeating a number of minutes, which is why this is so huge. Realistically though,
you would specify repeating in years, if it got that large. Whatever combination you
choose between Repeat Number and Repeat Period should not multiply our to be
greater than a century.
R:1 ;do it every period
R:117 ;do it every 117 periods
2. With a Repeat Set field present: The Repeat Number and the Repeat Period
become an index of the set. These three fields should be read in conjunction like
this: “Repeat this event every <repeat number> <repeat period> in <set>.”
Ex.“Repeat this event every 4
Thursday in November.”
Although there are many possibilities, we can use an example of holidays to explain
what using a set can do for you. Over the period of a year, you may want to schedule
events for some holidays. Unfortunately, not all holidays land on the same date every
year. By defining a set, along with the repeat number and repeat period, you can
choose the first Monday of the month, or whatever you like. Sets can be specific
months or general and periods can be specific or general too.
R:2 P:Sunday S:May E:Command 1:"1PL" ;Every 2
Sunday in May Play sound #1
R:1 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1:”2PL” ;Every 1
day of every month play sound #2
R:2 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1:”4PL” ;Every 2
day of every month play sound #4
R:3 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1:”5PL” ;Every 3
day of every month play sound #5.
P: Repeat Period
The Repeat Period defines how long to wait. It is multiplied or indexed according to
the presence of a Repeat Set field. (See the Repeat Set and Repeat Number sections
for details)
Periods can be one of the following:
32 Scheduler
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Notes: Month is not a valid period. If you want to make a monthly schedule, use a
combination of repeat number, period and set to do so. See the example in the
Repeat Number section for details.
I: Repeat Set
Using the Repeat Set field changes the way Repeat Number and Repeat Period
operate. Together they act as an index into the Repeat Set. Please read the Repeat
Number section above, for a detailed explanation of the different behaviors they take
on when the Repeat Set field is present.
For example, in order to create a monthly schedule, you can specify the Repeat Set as
Sets can be one of the following:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,
November, and December
R:5 P:day S:month ;repeat 5
day of every month
R:2 P:monday S:month ;repeat 2
Monday of every month
R:4 P:Thursday S:November ;repeat 4
Thursday in November
Scheduler 33
Since the Scheduler is very flexible, it is easier to explain what you cannot do, than to
explain what you can.
1. When using BOOT as the Repeat Period, the Repeat Number can only be one.
The unit does not keep track of the number of times hit has rebooted. You can
put in other numbers, but it will ignore them.
2. Whatever combination you choose between Repeat Number and Repeat Period
should not multiply out to be greater than a century. For example, don’t repeat
an event every 102 years.
3. One event executes per minute. If you want more and you haven’t already
purchased a small show controller, like the InterActivator, then get one of these.
It can increase the amount of events you can generate from 1per minute to 30 per
second * 60 seconds per minute = 1800 events per minute!
Comments & Whitespace
Comments are prefixed with a semicolon (;). Anything found after a semicolon is
ignored by the scheduler. You can place a comment on its own line, if you like.
You can use spaces or tabs to organize your schedule. They both are ignored.
;This is a comment on its own line
T:1:00 D:1-1-01 E:Command 1:"5PL" ;this is a comment too
Order of Operations
Here is a listing of times when The AM-4 checks the schedule and the operations
1. AM-4 loads the schedule from schedule.scl (default) at:
a. Boot up
b. After an FTP transfer (with optional Ethernet module installed)
c. After a new Compact Flash card is installed with a schedule.scl file.
d. Every night at midnight.
2. The AM-4 gets today’s date (or already knows it) from built in RTC.
3. The AM-4 parses the schedule and loads all of today’s active events.
4. If it is a bootup that caused the schedule load, the Bootup event gets loaded.
34 Scheduler
Double Occupancy
Double Occupancy is when two events occupy the same time slot.
If you plan on having a fairly complicated schedule, you may want to be sure you
don’t have events competing with each other for execution when their time and
date come around. This discussion looks at what happens when to events end up on
the same time and date. It explains the rules used to determine which event wins.
The following are previously undefined terms used in the Scheduler Rules
discussion below
Timestamp - time portion of the event's starting point (T: and
D: )
Datestamp - date portion of the event's start point (T: and D: )
Slot - the event's timestamp + datestamp.
Startslot - slot when the event begins (required)
Endslot - slot when the event ends (not required)
Profile - an event’s startslot, endslot, type (defined below)
Double Occupancy - two events in the same slot.
The following types of events exist in the AM-4:
One-shots -One time events with no repeat
Loops - Repeating events
Finites - loops that have an end time and end date
Infinites - loops with no end time or end date
Active Event - events with today's datestamp that have been
or will be loaded into the queue
Executable Event - events with the current timeslot.
Start Time Bootups - events with start time listed as BOOT.
Repeat Period Bootups- events with repeat period listed as
Scheduler 35
Scheduler Rules
Precedence: If two events occupy the same slot, this is the precedence:
1. StartTime Bootups take ultimate precedence during the bootup minute, and are
treated as normal events afterwards ( if they repeat).
2. Repeating Bootups take second precedence during the bootup minute.
3. One-shots take precedence over Loops.
4. Finites take precedence over infinites during their period of execution.
5. Finites started on a later slot will take precedence over earlier finites.
6. Infinites started on a later slot will take precedence over earlier infinites.
7. If two or more events with the same profile are scheduled for the same start
slot, the first one found in the file will be executed. This should only occur as
a mistake. Ex. Two one-shots, finite loops, or infinite loops are programmed
with the same startslot.
When Double Occupancy is Legal: There are times that two events can legally
occupy the same slot. These are expected to occur as:
Overlaps - When two or more loops (finites or infinites)
unintentionally line up. Ex. A 3hour infinite and a weekly infinite will eventually
overlap, if programmed on same timestamp of the day, but not necessarily the
same datestamp.
One-shot Overrides - one-shots that are intended to supercede a
standard finite or infinite show. Ex. A special holiday show at the regular show's
Finite Overrides - Finites that are intended to supercede another finite
or infinite show. Ex. 1week finite that is placed in the middle of a 6month finite
to override the standard show for 1week, then go back to normal.
Infinite Overrides (Replacements) - Infinite loops scheduled for the
same datestamp at a later date. Ex. Daily infinite for three months, another daily
infinite for the rest of the year. Although this probably should be programmed
as finites, a customer may program it as replacements.
36 Scheduler
Schedule Builder
Alcorn McBride provides Schedule Builder, a friendly GUI you can use to create
your Schedules. Go to to download a
copy today! You also should have read the previous section for a tutorial on
how the engine works. Here’s how to operate the interface:
Select File: New, and choose your product from the pop-up dialog box:
The Add/Edit event Window appears:
Scheduler 37
In the new event dialog box, set a start date and time by clicking the down arrows on
those controls:
If you have an end date and time, do the same for those fields.
Choose the Event (the command) from the drop down menu. Here we have selected
Play. We have also selected file number 5 in the next box;
38 Scheduler
The next thing you can do is specify a Repeat frequency. Here, we have selected Every Day. Add a
comment, if you like, telling us what this does:
Press OK, and here is the resulting event:
You can also select Edit:Edit Event to edit this entry with the dialog box or manually edit the events
yourself .
Scheduler 39
You can then save the schedule and test it with the built in tester. Select File:Test Schedule. Press the
Options button to set your simulation time. With this dialog box, you can set simulation time, start date
and time, what to do on errors, etc…. Then press OK and press Run.
40 Scheduler
Uploading New Schedules to the AM-4
FTP to
immediately update
your schedule. FTP
schedule.scl to update
your schedule at
midnight like normal.
You can FTP shedule.scl to the AM-4, replacing your current version. (Delete
the schedule.scl on the unit before FTP’ing this one.) The AM-4 has the current
schedule in memory. At midnight, or after a fresh reboot, the new schedule.scl
will get loaded into memory. If you want to cause an immediate update of your
schedule without rebooting, then name your schedule “” before
uploading it. The AM-4 will rename your current schedule to schedule.old,
rename to schedule.scl, and load it into memory. Important: The
actual update of the schedule occurs after the ftp session has terminated (i.e.
type ‘quit’ at the ftp> prompt).
File Types and Storage 41
File Types and Storage
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine plays both MP3 encoded audio files and
uncompressed WAV files. MP3 filenames have a “.MP3” extension and WAV files
have a “.WAV” extension. Please refer to the Required File Name Formats section
of this manual for details on file naming conventions.
Supported WAV File Formats
Note: GPS operation
does not support the
playback of WAV files.
WAV files are commonly re
ferred to as “uncompressed” audio files, and contain
the raw audio samples recorded from the original source. For example, an audio
file “ripped” directly from a CD results in a 44.1Khz, 16-bit, stereo WAV file.
Often this file is then encoded and compressed into an MP3 file to save storage
space, but the AM-4 can playback the uncompressed WAV version.
The AM-4 can playback any 8 or 16-bit WAV file, either stereo or mono, with
the following sample rates:
Supported Sample
Note that a WAV file
can take up a
considerable amount of
storage space on your
Compact Flash card
compared with its MP3
encoded equivalent.
The lower the sample rate, the lower the resulting sound quality. Also, 8-bit
WAV files will normally not sound as good as 16-bit WAV files. It is generally
not a good practice to try and save storage space by using lower sample rate or 8-
bit WAV files instead of encoding original high-resolution files to MP3.
If you have the storage space, and have the original, high-resolution
uncompressed WAV file there is no reason not to use it just as it is on the AM-4.
42 File Types and Storage
Making MP3 Files
Making MP3 files involves using an encoder, and you can find them readily available
from the web. A couple that we have seen work well are Audio Catalyst, which is
available from Xing Technology Corporation (, and Music
Match JukeBox available from MusicMatch ( Fraunhofer
IIS Institute in partnership with Thomson Multimedia own patents on tools that make
MP3-compliant bitstreams. Due to the fact that Fraunhofer charges a royalty from
each encoder distributor, it is sometimes difficult to find a freeware MP3 encoder.
But at the time of this printing, MusicMatch (mentioned above) does have a free
encoding utility in their Jukebox. Audio Catalyst is a lot more flexible than
MusicMatch Jukebox, but you’ll need to purchase it. You can also purchase a MP3
encoder plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Player running on Windows XP. Go
to the Tools window in Windows Media Player for details.
The 16-bit linear PCM format, like a WAV file, can provide higher quality audio
playback than the MP3 format, but at the same time it consumes about ten times as
much storage space per minute. This is based on a 128Kbps sample rate. You CAN
get better than CD quality audio in an MP3 file – you just have to make sure your
source material is better than CD quality to begin with, and you have to encode it at a
high bitrate, such as 160Kbps.
Below is a useful comparison of bitrates, quality, and file size. All you will need to
do is choose the bitrate at which you want the file encoded, which best fits in with
your storage space requirements. The most common, and recommended bitrates are
Quality File Size (1
Minute file)
80 FM radio quality. .594Mbytes
96 Near CD quality .712Mbytes
128 Close enough to CD Quality most listeners can’t tell a difference 0.950Mbytes
160 Better than CD quality (at 48KHz) – good for high end stereos 1.19Mbytes
320 Best quality, good for archiving, but takes up lots of memory 2.38Mbytes
Compact Flash Media
File Types and Storage 43
for firmware updates to
allow your AM-4 to use
Compact Flash sizes
greater than 2 Gigabyte.
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can use most any ATA compatible Compact Flash
media. There are some manufactures of ATA Compact Flash that Alcorn McBride
has identified to be more compatible than others. For a complete list of preferred
manufacturers, please visit the Knowledge Base on the Alcorn McBride website at
Formatting the Compact Flash
Note: Formatting the
Compact Flash will
result in a loss of all
data. Be careful to
backup any data
Important: Make sure
that the Write Protect
DIP switch (#3) is OFF
before trying to format
the Compact Flash card.
If your Compact Flash card is 2G or smaller in size, you should always format it in
the AM-4 before using it. Compact Flash larger than 2G should only be
formatted in a PC. The card included with your AM-4 has already been formatted
and contains a sample audio file so it is not necessary to reformat it unless you’re
filling it with new sounds.
The easiest way to do this is to hold down the test button while inserting the Compact
Flash card into the unit. Keep holding the test button in until the LED turns green,
blinks, and then flashes red indicating that the format is complete. The process only
takes a couple of seconds.
There is also a serial command that can be used to format the card. When using the
serial command the LED will turn green and then go out indicating that the format is
Please refer to the Advanced Serial Protocol section for specific details.
44 File Types and Storage
Getting Files Into The AM-4
You can either copy the files to the Compact Flash card externally, using a USB or
other type of adaptor for your desktop or laptop computer, or if you have the Ethernet
option installed you can FTP the files directly to your AM-4.
Copying Files Directly Using a PC
Here is a step-by-step procedure for copying files from you PC to the Compact
Flash card using a Compact Flash adaptor on you PC:
Get a computer or laptop that has a Compact Flash Card socket, or install
one yourself. Also available from your local Compact Flash distributor are
converters from Compact Flash to PC-Cards, making it possible to use a PC
card socket on a PC or laptop. And lastly, there are USB Compact Flash
card readers available for PCs with USB ports.
Format the Compact Flash Card in the AM-4 by following the procedure
explained earlier.
Remove the card from the unit (Power off the unit. Remove the front panel’s
metal plate, and look inside and push the square ejector button to get it out.)
If you need to get a larger capacity card, look online or at your local camera
shop or “Big Box” stereo store for starters.
Stick the Compact Flash card into the PC’s socket, and look for the drive
letter Windows has assigned to your Compact Flash Card drive. The
computer sees it as an extra drive, like “F:” for this example.
Open a DOS shell (yes, while you are still in Windows). Whenever possible
use DOS, because DOS uses the same naming convention as the AM-4
Digital Audio Machine, but Windows does not. Change directories to the
directory where your files are located. Press Enter after all these commands.
For example:
C:\cd show1\audio
Enter something like “dir” on the command line to see your list of files.
AM-4 file system does
not support long file
names. You should
avoid transferring or
renaming any file name
that has more then 8
characters followed by
a 3 character extension.
If you want to copy all the sound files to the Compact Flash Card and
only play list #13 (assuming you have these in the directory), enter the
C:\show1\audio\copy *.MP3 F:\
C:\show1\audio\copy PLY00013.LST F:\
If you like, list the files in the Compact Flash Card to make sure
everything copied correctly.
C:\show1\audio\dir F:\
Remove the card from your PC, and place it in the AM-4 Digital Audio
Machine. Turn on the unit, and wait for the green LED to go out. Press the
test button to play the lowest numbered file. If it plays, you did everything
correctly. If not, check the trouble shooting section for potential problems.
File Types and Storage 45
Copying Files Using an FTP Connection
Note: This procedure applies only if your AM-4 is equipped with the optional
Ethernet Module.
Use a straight-thru
Ethernet cable to
connect to a network
hub or switch.
Use a crossover (Null)
Ethernet cable for a
direct connection to a
Refer to the Advanced
Serial Protocol section
in this manual for a list
of serial commands to
set up your Ethernet
Connect the AM-4 to an Ethernet network, or directly to a PC with an
Ethernet jack and power-up the AM-4.
Use a serial terminal program or AMI Terminal to program the AM-4 to an
unused IP address on your network. If plugged directly into a PC (not on a
network) you can use the default IP address of (assuming that
it has not been previously changed from the factory default).
Also program a user
name and password using serial commands. You can use
the username (Admin) and password (Admin) if they have not been changed
from the factory default.
If this is the first time transferring files to the AM-4, format the Compact
Flash card in the AM-4 by following the procedure outlined previously.
On the PC open a DOS shell and go to the directory containing the files you
want to transfer to the AM-4.
AMI Terminal is a
Windows application
used to control Alcorn
McBride equipment. It
is available at
Begin an FTP session by typing FTP at the command prompt
(without the quotes, with the IP address replaced by the AM-4’s IP address).
You should get a connection to the AM-4 and it should ask for a username.
Type the username. It should then ask you for a password.
You can use Windows
FTP client programs
such as WinFTP if
Type the password. You should get a welcome message.
Type “dir” (without quotes). You should get a directory listing if files exist
on the media.
Type “bin” to get the interface into binary mode.
Type “ha” so that progress hash marks will appear during file transfer.
AM-4 file system does
not support long file
names. You should
avoid transferring or
renaming any file name
that has more then 8
characters followed by
a 3 character extension.
Type “put filename” where filename is the name of the file you want to
transfer to the AM-4.
You should see the hash marks go across the screen indicating that data
is being transferred to the AM-4.
Once the transfer completes you can repeat the above process for as
many files as the Compact Flash will hold.
Type “quit” to end the FTP session.
At this point the AM-4 will check to see if a new schedule file was
transferred and load it if found.
46 File Types and Storage
Required File Name Formats
AM-4 file system does
not support long file
names. Avoid using any
file name that has more
then 8 characters
followed by a 3
character extension.
File names are represented in simple DOS 8.3 format. – in other words, an eight
character name, a period, and then a three character extension. There are two
ways to name your sound files.
SND00003.MP3 is an
example of a numbered
file name. With this
naming convention, you
can use the parallel
inputs to access files.
The first method consists of a name made up of eight characters specifying the type
(SND for sound file, PLY for Play List), and the number of the file (5 digits from
00000 to 00511).
The three character extension is used to tell the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine the data
format of the file, either MP3, WAV, or LST representing an audio file or a playlist.
To avoid confusion,
don’t duplicate file
File numbers are used to identify which file is to be played in response to Select File
serial commands or rear panel file selection parallel inputs. File numbers contained
on a drive should be unique, regardless of the file type. In other words, you
shouldn’t have PLY00002.LST and SND00002.MP3 on the same drive. The two
files should have different numbers. If more than one file has the same number, the
first file found in the directory will be used.
Autoexec files are
invaluable in stand-
alone applications.
If PLY00000.LST
contains only a SH
command, it will
shuffle-play all the
audio files on the media
on power-up.
File 00000 is an autoexec file. A file numbered 00000 is automatically executed on
power up. For example, Play List PLY00000.LST will start as soon as the AM-4
Digital Audio Machine is turned on. If the loop input is strapped on, or if the Play
List is designed to repeat, playback will continue indefinitely.
SONG.MP3 is an
example of a named file
name. With this method,
only serial or Ethernet
control can be used to
trigger the file.
The second file nam
ing method is simply a name up to eight characters long, with
a 3 character MP3 or LST extension.
Any type of file may be
stored in the AM-4
Digital Audio Machine,
but only those listed in
the table may be played.
Although any file name may be copied to the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine’s
media, only MP3, WAV, LST (playlist), RND (random playlist), SCL (for
schedules) files, or GPS (for GPS playlists) are actually used by the AM-4. Other
file types are essentially ignored. This allows archiving of ANY information on
the drive: CAD drawings, spreadsheets, documentation, etc. Some example file
File Types and Storage 47
File Name Description
SND00000.MP3 Track number 0 MP3 Audio file
SND00004.WAV Track number 4 WAV Audio file
PLY00002.LST Play List Number 2
BARKING.MP3 Track Name “BARKING” Audio file
SHOW1.LST Play List Name “SHOW1”
SCHEDULE.SCL The file used for real-time clock scheduled play.
PLY00000.GPS GPS Playlist Number 0.
Play List Files
Play Lists provide a mechanism for the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to
automatically play a collection of tracks in a predefined sequence. Play Lists often
allow the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to be used to perform complex functions that
would normally require an external controller. Play Lists can perform functions as
simple as looping a single track, or as complex as user prompted pacing of the
A playlist zero
(PLY00000.LST) will
play on boot
A Play List file contains a list of commands which are identical to those that
would be issued through the serial port. These commands are usually play
commands which cause the AM-4 to play audio tracks (or other Play Lists) on the
media. When a Play List is being used, the commands are processed in the order in
which they appear in the list. The Play List is an ASCII text file and can be made
using any ASCII text editor (like notepad or DOS edit) or using the Playlist Builder
program available from The
maximum Play List file size is 64 KBytes.
A Play List can be started by serial or parallel commands, in exactly the same way as
an audio track. For example, the serial message
causes Play List PLY00002.LST on the currently selected drive to start. Discrete File
Select Input 2 will also start PLY00002.LST.
If Play List 0 (PLY00000.LST ) exists, it will be automatically executed on power
If a Play List contains a command to play the number or name of another Play List,
execution of the current Play List will be terminated at that point, and the new Play
List will begin.
48 File Types and Storage
Special Play List Command Summary
Special command characters further modify the behavior of the AM-4 Digital Audio
Machine. These characters are:
Char Meaning
U Uninterruptible. Causes the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine to ignore the
Resume input and serial Play command while playing. It still processes them
when waiting or paused.
I Interruptible. Allows the Resume input or serial Play command to skip to the
next track. This is the power-up default.
^ Wait. Unit waits until a Resume, Play, or repeated file select of the current
playlist number is received, then continues to the next command in the playlist.
< Repeat entire Play List. The only way to stop the Play List from looping is to
use the Stop input or serial command, or to start another file. Anything in the
Play List after the ‘<’ character is ignored.
; Comment. Ignore all characters until the next carriage return.
Commands may be entered into the Play List in either upper or lower case. All text
following a semicolon (;) is interpreted as comments, until the next carriage return.
You may put anything you want in comments, including the special command
characters normally used in the Play List.
File Select inputs and
serial Play command
change functions when
using a Play List.
When the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine is processing a Play List, reactivating the same
File Select inputs or sending the serial play command take on different meanings,
depending upon whether the unit is playing, paused, or waiting. Here is how they behave:
Mode Interruptible Uninterruptible
Playing Immediately play next file Ignored
Paused Resume play Resume play
Waiting Play next file Play next file
Asserting and releasing the Pause input while the unit is in the Waiting state of a
Play List will also resume play.
One thing to be cautious of is the unintended endless loop or uninterruptible wait. For
example, if a Play List contains a U followed by an Loop Play command, it doesn’t
matter how many more tracks may occur in it, there is no way to get to them! When
using the U command, always include an I command before the next Loop Play or
W, unless this is the desired behavior. Of course, you can always terminate the loop
or wait with a stop command, or by selecting a different file.
Play Lists may contain references to other Play Lists, but as soon as such a reference
is encountered the new Play List begins execution, and the old one is abandoned.
File Types and Storage 49
Random Playlists
PLY00002.RND is an
example of a Random
Playlist filename.
As an alternative, you
can use the “Shuffle”
command (SH) in an
autoexec playlist to
randomly play all the
files on the media on
The entries contained in a playlist file that has the extension .RND will be executed
randomly. The playlist will never stop until a Stop command is issued to the unit.
The AM-4 keeps track of which files have played in the random cycle, and will not
repeat any files until all the files have played, at which time the randomness begins
Example Play List
Note: The playlist
parser automatically
adds the carriage return
after the command, so it
is not included in
commands contained in
the playlist.
i,1PL,6LP,37PL,415PL,5PL,60PL <
The list can be arranged all on the same line, as shown above, or vertically as shown
1PL ;You can comment your Play List file by using
6PL ;semicolons. All text after a semicolon is
37PL ;ignored until the end of the line where a
;carriage return is encountered.
The “i” character places the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine into “interruptible” mode,
which means that the unit will respond to discrete Select inputs and serial play
commands by jumping immediately to the next entry in the list. The unit remains in
interruptible mode until a “u” character is encountered, which in this example is
never - the entire list is interruptible.
Next, the unit plays track #1. This track will be interrupted by track #6 if the user
issues a new Play command.
When track #1 is done, the unit loops track #6 continuously until the user issues a
Play command.
Then, track #37 plays. The unit continues straight into track #5 followed by track
#60, at which point the list loops back to the beginning, continuing straight into track
50 File Types and Storage
Example Play List with BGM Mode
Note: BGM operation is
only available when
using MP3 audio files.
By using the
BGM Playlist Mode you can cause the AM4 to pick up sound from where it left
off between playing other sounds. This is useful if you want to step through a playlist using
a serial or contact closure, playing spiels and then picking up a background
track from where
it left off before the spiels started. Below is an example of this type of playlist.
Note: The 1BG at the
beginning of the playlist
enables the Background
In the above playlist, each time a play command is received (or whenever the contact
closure associated with the playlist number is activated) the playlist is stepped
through from one command to the next. Whenever the “1LP” command is
encountered, since the Background Mode is enabled Sound Number one will “pick
up” from where it left off when it was interrupted by the intermediated Play
If a different sound is selected to loop then it then becomes the new background
track. In other words, if the fourth “1LP” in the above example playlist was replaced
with a “10LP” then Sound Number 10 would then become the new “Background”
Example Play List with Output Relay Control
You can override the normal functions of the Play and Fault output relay contact
closures and control them manually either through serial commands or in a playlist.
Below is an example of a playlist that uses manual relay control commands.
Once you issue an RL
command the normal
function of the Fault
and Play outputs are
under manual control
and do not activate
automatically for Play
or Fault anymore.
In the above playlist, the Fault output relay is on whenever Sound Number 1 plays,
and the Play output relay is on whenever Sound Number 2 plays. Refer to the
Advanced Serial Commands section for more details on the RL command.
Power Up Operation 51
Power Up Operation
When power is first applied to the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine, it briefly blinks the
Status LED green. It then checks to see if a new firmware file exists, or if a track or
Play List should be played, according to the following priority:
Note: The Fault relay
output will be closed on
-up indicating
that power was lost. It
will open as soon as a
valid command is
Check the Compact Flash card for a OS.NEW file. If found, the firmware is
updated and the file is renamed to OS.SAV.
Process and execute any real-time schedule operations.
Play any track or Play List that is hardwired at the Control Connector.
Play track or Play List 0 from the media
The first condition detected will be processed. Successive conditions are ignored. If
more than one file has the same number, the first file found will be used.
Updating Your Firmware
You can download the latest firmware upgrades for your AM-4 Digital Audio
Machine from
To update your firmware do the following:
Establish a serial connection with the machine with a laptop or PC, and
verify you need an update. Type ?V and press Enter to get a firmware
version back from the unit. Compare that to the version number listed on
the website. If you need an upgrade, continue. Also, if you have a serial
connection, you’ll get status info during the update.
Download the firmware file to your PC and rename it to OS.NEW
Copy it to your Compact Flash Card. Use the “Getting Files into You Box”
section for help doing this. It is very important to copy this file correctly
for your firmware update!!! So please read that section just to make sure
you have copied the file properly. You should also consider defragging the
Compact Flash card, if it is not freshly formatted, before going further.
Load the Compact Flash Card into the machine
Flip the red DIP-switch #3 up (OFF) to enable writing to the Compact Flash.
Power cycle the machine
The unit will flash the status led alternately between red and green while the
firmware is updated.
Wait for LED to go out completely.
You’re done. Type ?V and press Enter to verify the updated version number
52 GPS Operation
GPS Operation
GPS Operation 53
The AM-4 Digital Audio Machine can automatically trigger MP3 sounds whenever it
enters into a predetermined geographical area. With this feature you can easily
design a “No Operator-Intervention Required” audio system on a tour bus or tram
that automatically plays pre-recorded spiels or sounds whenever it arrives or passes
by a specified location.
Enable the GPS mode of
operation by turning
DIP switch #4 ON
In GPS Mode, the AM-4
will not accept normal
serial commands.
The AM-4 accomplishes this by reading a data stream from a GPS (Geographical
Position Satellite) sensor. This sensor is often in the form of a “GPS Mouse” or pod
that outputs a serial data stream containing Longitude and Latitude data obtained
from orbiting GPS satellites, and normally connects up to a serial or USB port on a
laptop computer running mapping or direction-finding software. In the case of the
AM-4, the sensor connects up the 9-pin serial port.
The AM-4 accepts a
standard NMEA-0183
data stream at default
4800 baud. You can
change the baud rate
using the BR command
in your GPS playlist.
The Longitude and Latitude data supplied by the GPS sensor is compared to
geographical points stored in a playlist. The playlist used for GPS operation is a
normal playlist (described in the Playlist Files section of this manual) except the
Longitude and Latitude commands it contains are continuously compared to the
incoming GPS data. As each coordinate, or waypoint, in the playlist is matched the
AM-4 responds by executing the next line of the playlist. While the AM-4 is wai
for a coordinate match, the playlist can command the unit to either play a background
track, or it can just wait silent. It all depends on how you make the playlist.
For the latest version of
GPS Builder go to
The playlist used for GPS operation is easily created by a Windows application
called “GPS Builder” supplied by Alcorn McBride.
GPS Builder
GPS Builder provides you with a simple method of creating playlists for use in the
AM-4 while operating in GPS Mode. Here are some of the main features of GPS
Accepts and automatically detects any NMEA 0183 GPS input source.
Allows you to quickly enter Longitude and Latitude waypoints along a route
with the click of a button (or spacebar).
Contains a complete list of built-in commands for the AM-4. You do not
need to enter them manually.
Enables you to easily edit playlist parameters.
Below is a screenshot of the GPS Builder program with a playlist loaded:
54 GPS Operation
Program Description
The program is set up much like a spreadsheet, with horizontal rows that represent specific
tasks for the AM-4 to execute, and vertical columns that contain the various parameters
associated with the particular task. Clicking the small buttons to the right of each cell will
provide further help with that cell’s contents. The following explains each column in detail.
The Command column contains the command to be executed at a particular Longitude and
Latitude (if specified). A pull-down menu of available commands is provided. Often, this
command is a Play command because you normally want to play a particular spiel or sound at
a specified location. Other commands such a Relay ON/OFF or Set Background commands
are available.
Set Background
Many times the first command in a Playlist will be a “Set Background” command which tells
the AM-4 what sound to play and loop while waiting for the next sound to be triggered. After
the triggered sound plays the background track picks up from where it left off. Two Data
parameters are used for the Set Background command. They are as follows:
Data1: The sound number or sound file name used for the background track.
Data2: (Optional) The amount of time (in seconds) that the background track will fade-in after
the previously triggered-sound has played. This time can be from 0 to 10 seconds.
If no background is specified the AM-4 will not play any file (it will be silent) between
triggered sound.
GPS Operation 55
This is command normally associated with a specific geographical location and is executed
when the Longitude and Latitude locations specified in the corresponding columns are
matched. The Play command uses one Data column described here.
Data1: The sound number of sound file name to be played.
Data2: (Optional) The amount of time (in seconds) that the track will fade-in
Data1 and Data2
The Data1 and Data2 columns are used to supply additional parameters to commands. They
are described above with the specific commands to which they apply.
Latitude and Longitude
The Latitude and Longitude parameters specify where the command will be executed. This
data is entered by following the procedure described at the end of this section of the manual.
This is the heading, in degrees, of the direction of travel. North is 0 degrees and South is 180
degrees. The AM-4 will use the acquired direction to qualify a GPS trigger. The tolerance is
45 degrees (+/- 22.5 degrees). If you want the point to trigger independently of direction,
remove the direction parameter and the point will trigger no matter which direction you’re
The amount of tolerance at which a particular trigger occurs for a programmed Latitude and
Longitude can be adjusted by specifying a Tolerance number. The pull-down menu provided
is shown here:
Longitude and Latitude data provided by the GPS sensor updates at one-second intervals (this
is a function of the sensor, and not the AM-4). As a result, you can “drive through” a desired
trigger point if the vehicle is going fast enough so that a matched GPS point is not received
within the one-second interval. Therefore, the faster the vehicle travels for a given point the
wider the specified tolerance must be. This menu allows you to specify the tolerance in either
meters or speed.
56 GPS Operation
Tolerance can be changed at any time in the playlist. For example, you might want to tighten tolerance
for a trigger that occurs while the vehicle is moving slower (or stopped), and need to open it up for
when the vehicle is traveling faster.
Map Display
If an Internet connection is present, you can view the location of your GPS point on a map. Click on the
map tab at the bottom of your screen. Put your cursor in the row of the latitude and longitude you wish
to display. Click on the “Update Map” button. Note: you may have to scroll down to view
the map.
GPS Setup
If you are having trouble getting a connection to your GPS input source, click on the ‘GPS Setup’
button to change baud rate or com port. In most cases, “Autodetect” will discover your
GPS input device correctly.
GPS Operation 57
Connection Diagram
In order for GPS Builder to detect latitude and longitude, a GPS sensor must be connected to a serial
port. Below is a connection diagram for the GPS Kit that can be purchased from Alcorn McBride Inc.
Program Operation
The following is a step-by-step guide on how to use GPS Builder to make a playlist for the
AM-4 operating in GPS Mode. Basically what we’re going to do is make a “boilerplate”
playlist and then enter GPS points afterwards.
Step 1:
Click on the little “down” arrow in the first box under the Command column. Select
a command. This is usually a Set Background command if you want a background
track to play between triggers. If you don’t want a background track select a Play
Step 2:
Specify the sound number or file name in the Data1 column. If you selected a
background track in Step 2, select the fade-in time in the Data2 column.
Step 3:
Select an initial Tolerance by clicking on the “…” next to the Tolerance box. This
number will normally depend on how fast the vehicle is traveling for the first trigger.
Step 4:
Enter subsequent commands on the following rows until you’ve completed your
“tour.” Each command can be any of the commands listed in the pull-down menu
available in the Commands column. Also fill in the LCD display for each trigger.
Note: Only MP3 files
can be used for GPS
Step 5:
Once all of the commands have been entered, save you file by click
ing on File…Save
As… , giving it a name, and clicking OK.
58 GPS Operation
Note: The satellite GPS
signal will only work
outdoors and not inside
buildings or tunnels.
The sensor needs “line-
of-sight” to the sky in
order to receive the
satellite signals.
Step 6:
Connect the GPS sensor (sometimes called a GPS Mouse) to your laptop. The
program will begin detecting the GPS input stream and will display “GPS OK!” once
detection has occurred. When the GPS sensor successfully locks onto the satellite
signal, Longitude and Latitude values will begin to update in the windows on the left.
Note: No Longitude or Latitude information will appear until the sensor locks
onto a valid satellite signal.
Step 7:
You’re now ready to begin entering GPS trigger points. Get in your car! Place the
GPS sensor on the roof (or other mounting location recommended by the GPS sensor
manufacturer). Drive to the first desired trigger point. Once you’re there, click the
mouse into the Latitude box on the first line and hit the Space Bar. GPS Builder
records the coordinate and advances to the next line. After this point all you need to
do is hit the Space Bar each time you want to log another coordinate.
Step 8:
Drive to the next trigger point and hit the Space Bar again. GPS Builder records the
next coordinate. Keep doing this until all of your coordinates have been entered.
Step 9:
Click on File…Save…to save your file. Name the file “PLY00000.GPS”. Make a
Note: It’s always best to
format the Compact
Flash in the AM-4
before using it.
Step 10:
Copy the playlist to the Compact Flash card you’re going to use in the AM-4, along
with all of the sounds referenced in the playlist.
GPS Operation 59
Operating the AM-4 with GPS
Now that you have your playlist file with the GPS coordinates, you can use it in the
AM-4. Here’s how.
Make sure that the AM-4 GPS Mode DIP switch is ON. It’s DIP Switch #4, and it
should be in the down position to turn it ON.
Install the Compact Flash card that contains the playlist you prepared in the previous
section. Make sure that it also contains all of the sounds referenced in the playlist.
Connect the GPS Receiver (mouse) to the GPS Harness Kit that came with your AM-
4 GPS, and connect the other end of the harness to the corresponding input jacks on
the AM-4.
The AM-4 is compatible
with any serial GPS
receiver which outputs a
NMEA-0183 data
stream at default 4800
baud. You can change
the baud rate using the
BR command in your
GPS playlist.
The AM-4 will steadily
blink the Green LED
whenever a valid GPS
input is detected.
The LED will blink RED
while the GPS sensor is
acquiring GPS satellite
The diagram below shows the proper connection using the Alcorn McBride GPS Kit.
Place the GPS sensor on top of the vehicle or other position that the GPS sensor
manufacturer recommends.
Connect the AM-4 audio output. If you have the built-in amplifier module option
installed you can just connect up speakers, otherwise connect an amplifier and
speakers to the line-level (RCA) outputs. Turn up the volume about half-
way to start
(you can adjust it later).
Connect the AM-4 to your vehicle power. The AM-4 can accept 10V to 24 VDC.
The “cigarette lighter” outlet found in most vehicles works very well.
60 GPS Operation
Different Sounds, Same GPS Point
If used, the “Set
Background” command
issued in the first
playlist will remain in
effect for subsequent
playlists. As a result,
background music will
not be interrupted when
changing playlists.
The AM-4 GPS operates in Random mode, whereby you don’t need to travel around
your programmed GPS coordinates in order for it to work. That means that you can
go through the first trigger in the GPS playlist, and then skip to the fifth trigger for
example. There is no need to go in any specific order.
What if you want to have the AM-4 play a different sound the second or third time
passing through the same point? For example, say you want to play an “Arrival
Spiel” when passing through a point the first time, and then play a “Departure Spiel”
when passing the same point in the second time.
Here’s how to do this: Make two different GPS playlists; one for the first pass and a
second for the second time. Each playlist contains an entry with the same “Arrival-
Departure” point, but each has a different sound file associated with it.
The last GPS coordinate in the first playlist is a Play command with the file number
corresponding to the second playlist number. Similarly, the second playlist has a l
GPS coordinate with a file number corresponding to the first playlist number. When
these points are passed the AM-4 switches to the new playlist and abandons the old
You can do this for as many different messages you want for the same point. You
just need to decide where you want to switch to the next playlist. Note also that you
do not need to play a sound at the point where the new playlist takes over. All you
need to do is call up the new playlist, at which time it will take over and start l
for GPS matches before playing a sound.
Connecting an LED or LCD Sign
The serial protocol of
the sign must match the
GPS receiver and be set
at 4800,N,8,1.
Often times public transportation vehicles have external LED or LCD signs to
display route numbers, advertising, or other information. The AM4 can control these
signs based on GPS locations using information contained in the GPS Playlist.
Simply click the “Has LCD Module” checkbox when GPS Builder starts up and
when the GPS Playlist grid is displayed a new column called “LCD Display. Type
anything you want to display and it will be sent out the serial port to the sign.
Depencing on your specific configuration, you may need to contact Alcorn McBride
and order a special cable assembly to split out the serial port connections for a sign
With regards to programming, you may need to include some special control
characters in the display strings to achieve compatibility with your particular sign’s
protocol. If
you’re having trouble getting your sign to work with the AM4, please do
not hesitate to contact Alcorn McBride and we’ll be happy to provide some
Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ 61
Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ
If you don’t find an answer to your question here, have a look at our
Knowledge Base at We’re always
updating it with new answers and useful information!
Q: I’ve copied several files from my PC onto a Compact Flash card, but I can’t get a
directory listing, either via the serial command or FTP.
A: The Compact Flash card may have been pre-formatted in a way, which is
incompatible with the AM-4’s operating system. Format the media in the AM-4
Digital Audio Machine, and then re-copy the files.
Q: I have several files on my AM-4 Digital Audio Machine. When I try to play one
of them, a different file plays.
A: All file names and numbers must be unique. You cannot have, for instance, two
files named SND00005.MP3, or have a file named SND00003.MP3, along with a
PLY00003.LST. The Compact Flash could also be fragmented, in which case you
need to format it in the AM-4 and re-copy the files.
Q: I have created a playlist using Windows, but it doesn’t work on the AM-4.
A: Windows sometimes uses its own filename extensions, or adds extensions that are
hidden when viewed in Windows Explorer. Try using a DOS shell, and renaming the
file, or use a DOS editor actually create the file.
Q: I’ve done all the stuff listed in the Copying Files section to get sound files into
my AM-4 Digital Audio Machine, but it just won’t play them.
A: Did you ever use Windows instead of DOS to copy the files over? If so, reformat
the Compact Flash in the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine, and go back through the
Q: Can I control the AM-4 Digital Audio Machine with your show controller?
A: Yes. There exists a protocol file specifically designed to operate the AM-4.
Q: What brands of Compact Flash Cards do you recommend? Where do I get one?
A: We don’t have a brand we endorse, but we know cards from SanDisk and Simple
Technology work in the units. You can typically get them from a local camera shop,
computer supply store, or online. They need to be ATA compatible. Also check our
Knowledge Base at Type in Compact Flash to
see if we have added anymore to our list.
Q: I press the test button and no file plays, but I’m sure I put files on there.
A: Did you name the files correctly? Did you copy the files via DOS? Can you see
the files using AMI Explorer? Are they valid audio files?
Q1: I hear parts of one file while I’m playing another.
Q2: I hear popping or blank spots in my audio playback.
A: Your Compact Flash card is fragmented. Format the card in the AM-4 and re-
copy the files back onto it.
62 Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ
Q: Do you have a basic checklist I can go by in order to figure out what’s wrong?
A: Here’s a checklist we have compiled of typical things you can check to make sure all the bases
are covered:
Is the unit plugged in? (bear with us)
Does the unit have a Compact Flash card in it at all? (remove the front metal plate &
Is the Compact Flash card pressed in all the way?
Validate you’ve used the speaker cables/line level cables somewhere else successfully.
Verify your speakers work, etc…
If you are using a serial cable, is it straight through (not null modem)?
Are your audio files valid? Check them on your PC using Adobe Audition (formerly
CoolEdit, Windows Media Player or another audio player application.
Are your file name formats valid? See the File Names section to be sure.
If copying files from your PC, did you use DOS? If you used windows, save the audio
files somewhere. Reformat the card in the AM-4. Follow the list of steps in the Copying
Files section
Take every other piece of control equipment away from the unit, making it stand alone
until you get it running. Try to make it operate now either with contact closures (paper
clips will work) or serial commands from a laptop or PC.
If the unit shows no response to serial messages typed by hand or from another system:
o Have you validated you are communicating through the serial port correctly?
Chosen the right PC comm. port? Using 9600, 8,N,1? If you want to validate the
comm. port is right, use a paperclip to short together pins 2 and 3 on your
computer’s serial port cable. It should echo back to you the keys you type from
a terminal emulator like Hyperterminal.
o Are you using the correct commands listed in the Advanced Serial Protocol
Section? Can you get a version number from the box by using a terminal
emulator, or AMI Terminal?
Is the Compact Flash Card damaged? Do you have a second Compact Flash card you can
temporarily use to make sure the Compact Flash Card isn’t just damaged? Go through the
file copying process with the new Compact Flash Card, and try to play the file.
Is the unit damaged? If you can put another AM-4 Digital Audio Machine in the circuit,
you can rule out the possibilities of a damaged unit. Remember to use the same
Compact Flash card.
Q: My AM-4 is not triggering when I pass through my programmed GPS points.
A: Here’s a list of things to check when operating in GPS mode:
Make sure that you’re using only MP3 files. The AM-4 does not support the playback of
WAV files in GPS mode.
Have you named the GPS playlist correctly. It should be named PLY00000.GPS to start
Is your tolerance set too low? Try to move very slowly through the programmed points at
first to see if you get a trigger. If the trigger fails at higher speeds then you might need to
set the tolerance higher.
Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ 63
Are you going in the correct direction for trigger(s)? The trigger will only occur when
traveling in the programmed direction (unless the trigger contains no direction
information, in which case it is omni-directional and will trigger in any direction.)
Is the LED blinking GREEN on the front of the AM-4? If not,
1. Check the DIP switch in the back of the unit. It should be set for GPS operation.
2. Verify that your GPS receiver (mouse) is connected.
3. Make sure that the receiver has acquired the GPS satellites (LED will blink RED
until acquision has occurred.)
64 Troubleshooting Guide / FAQ
Mechanical Information 65
Mechanical Information
Mechanical Dimensions
Surface Mounting
66 Mechanical Information
Surface Mount Kit, Part Number 230-100979
Qty Part Number Description
2 306-100711 Mounting Flange
6 500-000566 Screw, 6-32 x 3/8, Pan Head, Black Ox, SS
Mechanical Information 67
Rack Mounting
You can mount one or two AM-4 Digital Audio Machines in a 1U rack mount space.
Rack Mount Kit, 1 Unit, Part Number 302-100703
68 Mechanical Information
Rack Mount Kit, 2 Unit, Part Number 302-100704
Specifications 69
DAC Resolution: 16 bits
Deviation from Linear phase: +/-0.5dB
Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.003%
Dynamic Range (A-weighted): 94dB
Inter-channel Isolation: 90dB
Inter-channel Gain Mismatch: 0.1dB
Frequency Response: 10 to 20 Khz +/- 0.1 dB
Maximum Phase Non-Linearity: 5 degrees
Line Out Level: Unbalanced, 2V P-P max into 20K
Balanced Output (optional) +4dBu
Amplifier Output (optional) 20WRMS x 2 8ohms each (@10% THD)
Playback Time
Approximately 16minutes MP3 128Mbps audio from included 16Mbyte Compact Flash card.
(based on 128Mbps encoding, which requires about 1Mbyte storage per minute of audio)
Trigger Response Time
Less than 33 msec.
12 VDC to 25.0 VDC at 2 Amp max with installed Compact Flash Card.
Connector: 2.5 mm I. D., 5.5 mm O. D., 10 mm shaft length.
Adapter for 100/250 Volts 50/60 Hz provided (CE, UL, CSA)
Switches and Indicators
Front panel test button.
Front panel bi-color LED.
Rear panel DIP switch for ground lift, input type, write protect, and GPS mode.
Rear panel volume control
Rear Panel DB-9M serial I/O connector.
Rear Panel DB-37F parallel and serial I/O connector.
Rear Panel RCA type Phono connectors, left and right audio.
Rear Panel Barrel connector (2.5 mm x 5.5 mm x 10 mm) for power.
Rear Panel Screw Terminal Speaker Connectors (20Watts/8ohms)
Rear Panel XLR-1/4 inch Combo Connectors for Balanced Audio
Rear Panel RCA connector for S/PDIF Digital Audio
Rear Panel RJ45 jack for Ethernet connection
Ethernet (optional)
FTP, ARP, UDP protocols
9.3339” x 7.0000” x 1.7190” (DxWxH)
4 lbs
C (32
F) to 38
C (100
F), free air circulation.
0-90% relative humidity, non-condensing
20 g max Vibration (with removable Compact Flash Card)
Part Numbers
AM-4 Digital Audio Machine with 100/250Volts 50/60 Hz, 3A switcher , Part Number 230-100978.00
Flush Mounting Bracket Kit, Part Number 320-100375
Rack Mounting Bracket Kit, 1 Unit, Part Number 302-100703
Rack Mounting Bracket Kit, 2 Unit, Part Number 302-100704
Mating Connector and Housing for DB-37F, Solder Cup, Part Number 320-100376
Compact Flash Card Media – contact factory
70 Index
AMI Terminal, 18
AMINet, 24
Amplifier, 10
Audio Control, 21
autoexec, 15, 19, 47
background, 51, 54, 55, 58, 61
background music, 61
Balanced, 3, 10, 70
baud, 18
BGM Playlist, 51
checklist, 63
Checksum, 25
Command Bytes, 19–20, 21, 22, 23
Command Event, 29
comments, 19, 21, 22, 23
Comments, 19, 20, 34
Compact Flash, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 24, 34, 44, 45,
46, 52, 62, 63, 70
Connectors, 70
contact closures, 16, 17
Contact Closures, 12–14
DAC, 70
DB-37, 14
DB-9, 11, 18
Dimensions, 66
DIP switch
Ground Lift, 8
Voltage/Contact Closure, 8
Directory, 22
Distortion, 70
DOS, 47
Double Occupancy, 35, 36
Dynamic Range, 70
End Date, 31
End Time, 31
Ethernet Module, 11
FAQ, 62
Fault, 7, 12, 17
.MP3, 48
.LST, 48
#00000, 47
8.3 Format, 47
File Select, 12
File Types, 42
Firmware, iv, 3, 23, 52
Firmware Version, 23
Format, 22
Formatting, 7, 44
Frequency Response, 70
FTP, 11, 23, 34, 41, 45, 46, 62
Getting Files Into Your Box, 45
GPS, 3, 7, 9, 22, 47, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
GPS Builder, 54, 59
Ground Lift, 8
ground loops, 8
hum, 8
Interruptible, 49
laser disc, 19
latitude, 22
LED, 7
LED Meaning, 7
longitude, 22
Loop, 12–15, 18–19, 18–19
Mechanical, iv, 66
MP3, 2, 4, 23, 43, 45, 47, 48, 62, 70
Mute, 12, 14, 21
Index 71
noise, 8
Non-Linearity, 70
Output Relay, 23, 51
Parallel Control, 12
Parallel Outputs, 17
Parallel Port, 12
parity, 18
Pause, 12, 14, 18–20, 18, 20, 21, 49
Phase Non-Linearity, 70
Pioneer, 18–19, 21
Play, 18–62, 18–62
Play List, 48, 50, 51
Playing, 12–14, 17
PLC, 12, 17
Power, 10, 11, 70
Power Up, 15, 52
power-up, 19
protocol, 18–19
Rack Mounting, 8, 68, 70
RCA, 70
Repeat, 49–50
Repeat Number, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34
Repeat Period, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35
Repeat Set, 29, 32, 33
Response Time, 70
Resume, 20, 49–50
RS-232C, 11, 18
RXD, 11–12
S/PDIF, 3, 6, 10, 70
sample rate, 70
Schedule Builder, 37
schedule.txt, 28, 34, 41
scheduler, 22, 28, 29, 30, 34
Scheduler, 21, 22, 28, 34, 35, 36
Builder, 37
Search, 19
serial cable, 11
Serial Control, 18
Serial Port, 9, 11
Serial Port Mode, 9
Serial Protocol, 21
SND, 47
Specifications, 70
Start Date, 29, 30, 31
Start Time, 29, 30, 31, 35
Stop, 12
Storage, 22
strain relief, 11
sunrise, 31
sunset, 33
Surface Mount, 67
Technical Support, 3
Troubleshooting, 62
TXD, 11–12
UDP, 11, 18, 25
Uninterruptible, 49
voltage inputs, 12–14, 17
volume control, 4, 10, 70
Wait, 49
File Formats, 42
Sample Rates(Khz), 42
Whitespace, 34
Write Protect, 7, 8