1. Review Budget Template and Budget Item tabs. Cells in orange are locked formulas and
cannot be edited.
Note: The Applicant will use the BLANK Budget Template to complete their project application budget. The
Applicant will use the Budget Item tab to identify examples of sub-categories of budget spending.
2. Fill-in all Project Tasks (green cells). These should match the Tasks outlined in the
applicant's Scope of Work.
Note: Although ten spaces are provided, the applicant does not need to utilize all ten. For applicants in need of
more than ten tasks, please request a new, expanded Budget Template by contacting:
3. For each identified Project Task, select (drop-down menu) one of four Budget Categories
and write-in the appropriate Budget Item.
For example: To put in salary for outreach coordinator, select Budget Category "Personnel" (column B) and fill-in
"Wage or Salary" for the Budget Item (column C). Write-in "Outreach Coordinator" in the Specify column (column
Note: For Technical Projects, it is not necessary or advisable to specify a brand or type of air sensor or monitor
at this stage – your initial technical work plan will help guide this process and lead to a decision on specific
hardware, based on the quality objectives of your project. For example, in developing your budget you may write
“PM sensor” in the Specify column and list a cost estimate.
4. If appropriate, fill-in rate, unit, and hour information in columns F, G, and H.
For example: It may be appropriate to add in rate estimate and unit for the purchase of Monitors. It may be
appropriate to add in rate and hour for a venue rental. However, a rate and hour would not need to be included
for general travel costs related to AB 617 as long as they adhere to State rates and conditions established on the
CalHR website (for hotel and meal rates, see:
5. Add in total costs for each Budget Item in Cumulative Budget column (column J).
Note: If rate, unit or hour numbers were entered, this should be a function of those numbers. If no rate, unit, or
hour was entered, then this can be an independent figure.
6. Divide the Cumulate Budget (column J) among each year of the grant period.
Note: The sum of columns L, M, and N must equal Cumulative Budget (column J). If they do not equal
Cumulative Budget, the cell in Column O will display an ERROR message.
7. Fill-in Benefits Rate and Administrative Cost Rate.
8. Project Costs, Administrative Costs, and Total Costs will automatically calculate.
Task #1
Education and Outreach Campaign
Budget Category Budget Item (See "Budget Item" tab for examples) Specify (if necessary)
A. Personnel
Wage or Salary (specify title) Outreach manager
25 1500
$37,500 $20,000 $10,000 $7,500
B. Supplies and Services Meeting Facilitation
200 2
$400 $100 $200 $100
B. Supplies and Services Interpretation and Translation Services
500 1
$500 $500 $0 $0
C. Equipment Other (specify) PA system
300 1
$300 $0 $300 $0
B. Supplies and Services Printing
0.1 500
$50 $50 $0 $0
B. Supplies and Services Travel Costs
$250 $250 $0 $0
Task #2
Monitoring Network
Budget Category Budget Item (See "Budget Item" tab for examples) Specify (if necessary)
A. Personnel
Wage or Salary (specify title) Air Quality Manager
$36,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000
C. Equipment Monitor (specify) PM monitor
1500 2
$3,000 $0 $3,000 $0
D. Subcontractors and Other Consultant (specify) UCLA
$10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0
D. Subcontractors and Other Consultant (specify) CSUS
$8,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0
C. Equipment Hardware (specify) Laptop
1000 1
$1,000 $1,000
Task #3
AB 617 Advocacy
Budget Category Budget Item (See "Budget Item" tab for examples) Specify (if necessary)
A. Personnel Wage or Salary (specify title) Executive Director
35 1000
$35,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000
B. Supplies and Services Interpretation and Translation Services
500 2
$1,000 $500 $500
B. Supplies and Services Travel Costs
$500 $500
D. Subcontractors and Other Other (specify) Stipend for residents
50 20
$1,000 $500 $400 $0
Task #4
Budget Category Budget Item (See "Budget Item" tab for examples) Specify (if necessary)
Task #5
Budget Category Budget Item (See "Budget Item" tab for examples) Specify (if necessary)
I. PROJECT COSTS (Cumulative)
I. PROJECT COSTS (by year)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
A. Personnel
$108,500 Benefits Rate (%): 20.0% A. Personnel $42,000 $37,000 $29,500
Personnel Benefits $21,700 Personnel Benefits $8,400 $7,400 $5,900
B. Supplies and Services
$2,700 B. Supplies and Services $1,400 $700 $600
C. Equipment
$4,300 C. Equipment $1,000 $3,300 $0
D. Subcontractors and Other
$19,000 D. Subcontractors and Other $9,500 $9,400 $0
Subtotal Direct Costs $156,200 Subtotal Direct Costs $62,300 $57,800 $36,000
Admin Cost Rate (%) 12.0%
Admin Costs (Sum of A+B times rate)
$13,344 $5,208 $4,524 $3,612
TOTAL Costs (Project + Administrative
$169,544 $67,508 $62,324 $39,612 ERROR
(must match
column J)
California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Community Air Grants
Budget Template
Year 2 Year 3
Rates Units Hours
Cumulative Budget
Year 1
Environmental Justice Now California
Project Name
California Air Monitoring and Community Engagement Project
August 10, 2019
Example Budget Only
To download BLANK excel Budget Template, visit:
message will display if
Cumulative Budget
cost does not equal
sum of Year 1, Year 2,
and Year 3.
Note: Remember
to fill-out Benefits
Rate and Admin
Costs Rate
Note: Cells in
Orange are
formulas and
cannot be
message will
display if
Budget cost does
not equal sum of
Year 1, Year 2,
and Year 3.
To download BLANK excel Budget Template, visit:
A. Personnel B. Supplies and Services C. Equipment
D. Subcontractors and
Interpretation and Translation
Hardware (specify) Consultant (specify)
Other (specify) Meeting Facilitation Monitor Other (specify)
Office Supplies Sensor
Postage Other (specify)
Travel Costs
Venue Rental
Other (specify)
Suggested Budget Items by Budget Category
Note: Applicants may use additional budget items if required.