Completing Excel Budget Templates for Grant Applications
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Completing Excel Budget Templates
for Grant Applications
Table of Contents
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 2
BUDGET SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 3
PERSONNEL .......................................................................................................................... 3
CONTRACTORS AND CONSULTANTS .................................................................................. 6
Lump Sum Example .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hourly Example ........................................................................................................................................ 6
MEETINGS AND EVENTS ....................................................................................................... 7
OVERNIGHT TRAVEL ............................................................................................................ 8
Overnight Travel Example ..................................................................................................................... 8
In-State, Overnight Travel Example ..................................................................................................... 8
NON-OVERNIGHT TRAVEL .................................................................................................. 9
MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ................................................................................................ 10
OVERHEAD ......................................................................................................................... 11
SPECIAL NOTE FOR MAC AND NUMBERS USERS .............................................................. 11
SUBMITTING YOUR BUDGET IN FLUXX .............................................................................. 11
Completing Excel Budget Templates for Grant Applications
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The template includes several budget categories which are separated by tabs including Personnel, Contractors
and Consultants, Meetings and Events, Travel, Materials and Supplies, etc.
Please review the General Instructions tab for directions on how to input requested funding amounts for each
budget category.
Please note that some categories or line items may not be applicable to the funding opportunity for which you
are applying. Complete the categories relevant to your project.
Please enter the legal applicant name in Cell B5 of the General Instructions tab on this worksheet.
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This sheet auto-populates based on the information entered on each budget category tab. This sheet is locked
and the applicant will not be able to enter anything on this sheet. Please add your budget information in each
budget category tab located at the bottom of the workbook.
Complete the following items on this sheet in sequence:
1. Identify each employee that will work on the project. If the person is an existing staff member, include the
person’s name, job title and credentials, and upload his or her resume. If the person will be a new hire,
then input “TBD” and provide a job description in your uploaded application materials.
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2. Provide justification for each position.
3. The foundation requests that applicants use full-time equivalent (FTE) to calculate salaries. A FTE is the hours
worked by one employee on a full-time basis, typically considered 40 hours per week. To calculate
salaries, enter each employee’s full-time equivalent (FTE) for each grant period. A 40-hour employee
should be shown as 1.00, 30 hours as 0.75 and 20 hours as 0.50. Then enter the calculated full-time
annual salary, percentage of time that will be spent on the grant objectives, and fringe percentage.
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FTE example with multiple employees in one position: You have three employees in the same position and they
work 30 hours, 20 hours and 10 hours per week totaling 60 hours. Assuming a full-time employee works 40 hours
per week, your full-time equivalent calculation would be 60 hours divided by 40 hours, or 1.5 FTE.
Please note applicants can make adjustments based on employee schedules as long as the justification and salary
request match. Please see the example below for three part-time Graduate Assistants.
All other cells will auto-populate.
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For each grant period, list all contractors or consultants and include a brief description of their services.
Indicate the method of payment, how often the person will be paid (units), and the rate of payment. Please
note that only the first $50,000 of contractor expenses will be included in subtotal used to calculate overhead.
Lump Sum Example
Hourly Example
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List and provide a brief description of each meeting and event related to the grant objectives. Include all the
costs as applicable for each meeting including space and equipment rental, speaker expenses, supplies and
food. Please note that materials and supplies included in this section should be specifically for the meeting or
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The Hogg Foundation uses the State of Texas maximum allowable reimbursement rates for travel planning.
Please see the Texas Comptroller website for current reimbursement rates.
All travel requests should include the following items:
o Purpose of the travel, including the name of the conference or event and goal of attending
o Destination location
o Number of days and employees attending
o Justification of expense with breakout of expenses
Overnight Travel Example
In-State, Overnight Travel Example
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Provide a brief description of non-overnight travel. Indicate the anticipated mileage, reimbursement rate and
other costs. This is referred to as local or day travel. Please note that meal and lodging costs will not be
reimbursed for non-overnight travel.
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Justify the purpose and cost of materials and supplies that are necessary for the project, such as postage,
office supplies, photocopying and communications materials (brochures, promotional items, etc.).
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No entry is necessary in this section. The budget worksheet will auto-populate the overhead field. Overhead
will be calculated at 10 percent of the total budget for each grant period. Please note that only the first
$50,000 of contractor expenses will be included in the total used to calculate overhead.
The Hogg Foundation requires budgets be submitted in Excel format. Follow this additional step if you use the Numbers
application instead of Microsoft Excel:
Save the Numbers file on your Mac by selecting Excel format from the file menu. Once you save it in Excel
format, you can upload the document to your application.
Upload your budget to the required Application Documents section.
Press the blue “+” to the right of the Documents heading to add your Excel file.
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Click “Add files” to upload your budget to the dialogue box and choose “Proposed Budget” from the drop-
down menu. Click “Start Upload”.
Once your budget is uploaded you can save or submit your application. Please note each document must be
properly identified from the drop-down menu as the required document type while uploading. You will not
be able to submit your application if the required documents are not properly identified.