XVII. Surrogate Parents
IDEA Regulations: Surrogate Parents
Section 300.519 Surrogate parents
(a) General. Each public agency must ensure
that the rights of a child are protected when—
1. No parent (as dened in §300.30) can be
2. The public agency, after reasonable efforts,
cannot locate a parent;
3. The child is a ward of the State under the
laws of that State; or
4. The child is an unaccompanied homeless
youth as dened in section 725(6) of the
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
(42 U.S.C. 11434a(6)).
(b) Duties of public agency. The duties of a
public agency under paragraph (a) of this
section include the assignment of an individual
to act as a surrogate for the parents. This must
include a method—
1. For determining whether a child needs a
surrogate parent; and
2. For assigning a surrogate parent to
the child.
(c) Wards of the State. In the case of a child
who is a ward of the State, the surrogate
parent alternatively may be appointed by the
judge overseeing the child’s case, provided
that the surrogate meets the requirements in
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (e) of this section.
(d) Criteria for selection of surrogate parents.
1. The public agency may select a surrogate
parent in any way permitted under
State law.
Nebraska Rule 51: Surrogate Parents
92 NAC 51-009.10: Appointment of
009.10A. Each school district or approved
cooperative shall ensure that the rights of a
child with a disability are protected if:
009.10A1. No parent can be identied;
009.10A2. The school district or approved
cooperative, after reasonable efforts, cannot
locate a parent;
009.10A3. The child is an unaccompanied
homeless youth; or
009.10A4. The child is a ward of the State or
009.10A4a. In the case of a child who is
a ward of the State, such surrogate may
alternatively be appointed by the judge
overseeing the child’s care provided that the
surrogate meets the requirements in 92 NAC
009.10B. The duty of the school district
or approved cooperative under 92 NAC
51-009.10A includes the assignment of
an individual to act as a surrogate for the
parents. This must include a method;
009.10B1. For determining whether a child
needs a surrogate parent and,
009.10B2. For assigning a surrogate parent to
the child.
009.10C. The school district or approved
cooperative may select a surrogate parent in
any way permitted under State law and the
district or approved cooperative shall make
reasonable efforts to ensure the assignment
XVII. Surrogate Parents 134
IDEA Regulations: Surrogate Parents
2. Public agencies must ensure that a person
selected as a surrogate parent—
i. Is not an employee of the SEA, the LEA,
or any other agency that is involved in
the education or care of the child;
ii. Has no personal or professional interest
that conicts with the interest of the
child the surrogate parent represents;
iii. Has knowledge and skills that ensure
adequate representation of the child.
(e) Non-employee requirement;
compensation. A person otherwise qualied
to be a surrogate parent under paragraph
(d) of this section is not an employee of the
agency solely because he or she is paid by
the agency to serve as a surrogate parent.
(f) Unaccompanied homeless youth. In the
case of a child who is an unaccompanied
homeless youth, appropriate staff of
emergency shelters, transitional shelters,
independent living programs, and street
outreach programs may be appointed as
temporary surrogate parents without regard
to paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, until a
surrogate parent can be appointed that meets
all of the requirements of paragraph (d) of
this section.
(g) Surrogate parent responsibilities. The
surrogate parent may represent the child in all
matters relating to—
1. The identication, evaluation, and
educational placement of the child; and
2. The provision of FAPE to the child.
Nebraska Rule 51: Surrogate Parents
of a surrogate not more than 30 calendar days
after there is a determination that the child
needs a surrogate.
009.10D. In order to qualify, a surrogate must
be a person who:
009.10D1. Has no personal or professional
interest that conicts with the interest of the
child he or she represents;
009.10D2. Has knowledge and skills that
ensure adequate representation of the child;
009.10D3. Is not an employee of any public
agency which is involved in the education
or care of the child. A person who otherwise
qualies to be a surrogate parent is not an
employee of the agency solely because he
or she is paid by the agency to serve as a
surrogate parent.
009.10D3a. In the case of a child who is an
unaccompanied homeless youth, appropriate
staff of emergency shelters, transitional
shelters, independent living programs, and
street outreach programs may be appointed
as temporary surrogate parents without regard
to 92 NAC 51-009.10D3, until a surrogate
parent can be appointed that meets all the
requirements of 92 NAC 51-009.10D.
009.10E. The surrogate may represent the
child in all matters relating to:
009.10E1. The identication, evaluation, and
educational placement of a child; and
009.10E2. The provision of a free appropriate
public education to the child.
009.10F. The services of the surrogate parent
shall be terminated when:
XVII. Surrogate Parents 135
IDEA Regulations: Surrogate Parents
(h) SEA responsibility. The SEA must make
reasonable efforts to ensure the assignment
of a surrogate parent not more than 30 days
after a public agency determines that the child
needs a surrogate parent.
Nebraska Rule 51: Surrogate Parents
009.10F1. The child is no longer eligible for a
surrogate parent under 92 NAC 51-009.10A;
009.10F2. A conict of interest develops
between the interest of the child and the
interest of the surrogate parent; or
009.10F3. The surrogate parent fails to fulll
his or her duties as a surrogate parent.
009.10G. Issues arising from the selection,
appointment, or removal of a surrogate parent
shall be resolved through hearings established
under 92 NAC 55.
009.10H. The surrogate parent and the
school district or approved cooperative which
appointed the surrogate parent shall not be
liable in civil actions for damages for acts
of the surrogate parent unless such acts
constitute willful and wanton misconduct.
XVII. Surrogate Parents 136
District Considerations for Policy and Procedure Development
Policy considerations
When parents are represented in special education policy, include “parent, guardian, or appointed
surrogate” and then dene surrogate within overall policy consistent with 34 CFR § 300.519 and 92 NAC
Procedural considerations
What is included in the surrogate training? How and when is it scheduled? What methods are used?
What are the qualications needed to be a surrogate? How are they selected for training?
What training do school staff need to appropriately determine when a student may need an educational
What should school staff do if a student appears to need a surrogate? How would staff know if the
student may need a surrogate?
What is the procedure for assigning a surrogate to a child?
What is needed at meetings to document the relationship to the child?
How often is the assignment reviewed?
Guidance resources
OSEP Policy Documents Regarding the Education of Infants, Toddlers, Children and Youth with
Disabilities: Surrogate Parents
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