Recommendations for practices
using gestational carriers:
a committee opinion
Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Practice Committee of the
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama
This document provides the latest recommendations for the screening, evaluation, and psychoeducational and legal counseling of
gestational carriers and intended parents. It incorporates recent information from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
US Food and Drug Administration, and American Association of Tissue Banks, with which all programs offering gestational carrier
services must be thoroughly familiar. This document replaces the previous document of the same name, last published in 2017 (Fertil
Steril 2017;107:e410). (Fertil Steril
2022;118:6574. Ó2022 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
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Introduction and statement of
Care of the intended parents
Care of the gestational carrier
Psychoeducational screening and
Legal considerations
Embryo transfer
The recommendations in this document
are intended to provide guidance for
appropriate timing to consider the use
of a gestational carrier (GC); provide
recommendations for screening and
testing of intended parents (IPs) or ge-
netic contributors and GCs to reduce
the possibility of complications; and
address the complex medical and psy-
chologic issues that confront the GC
and IPs, as well as the resultant chil-
dren. A GC is dened as a person who
carries a pregnancy resulting from the
transfer of a preimplantation embryo
created by one or more genetic parents
or gamete donors. Genetic contributors
may be the IP(s) and/or gamete donor(s).
A gamete donor is dened as an individ-
ual who donates their gametes for pro-
creation through assisted reproductive
technology (ART) and has no intention
to parent any resulting child(ren). This
guidance incorporates recent informa-
tion on optimal screening and testing
for sexually transmitted infections
(STIs) and psychologic assessments.
The current document represents
an effort to make the screening proced-
ures for individuals involved in third-
party reproduction using a GC more
consistent with and incorporates recent
information from the US Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), and American Association of
Tissue Banks (AATB). These recommen-
dations use terminology from the fed-
eral agencies in addition to the AATB.
In that context, the term ‘‘ screening’’
refers to specific historical factors that
place an individual at a higher risk of
a given disease, such as human immu-
nodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmis-
sible spongiform encephalopathy, or
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. ‘‘Testing’’
refers to specific laboratory studies,
such as serologic tests. The distinction
between screening and testing is
consistent in the article. The term ‘‘ inel-
igible’’ does not mean excluded, but
acceptable with appropriate informed
consent. These recommendations for
the screening and testing of GCs and
genetic parents apply to individuals in
the United States. Because the preva-
lence of STIs and genetic diseases may
vary in other geographic areas, these
recommendations may not be
appropriate for other countries or
individuals who come to the
United States from other countries.
Although the FDA does not require
screening or testing of the GC, the Amer-
ican Society for Reproductive Medicine
(ASRM) recommends testing these indi-
viduals as described in this document.
Other areas where the ASRM rec-
ommendations may be more stringent
than the FDA minimum requirements
are further discussed. Additionally,
state requirements may be more restric-
tive than the FDA, and clinics should be
aware of, and follow, minimum or
required screening and testing require-
ments for their state.
Received April 29, 2022; accepted May 2, 2022.
Correspondence: Practice Committee, ASRM, 1209 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35216 (E-mail:
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 118, No. 1, July 2022 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2022 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022 65
Indications for the Use of a GC
Gestational carriers may be used when a true medical condi-
tion precludes the IP from carrying a pregnancy or would pose
a significant risk of death or harm to the woman or the fetus.
The indication must be clearly documented in the patients
medical record. Examples of such medical indications include
the following:
Absence of uterus (congenital or acquired);
Significant uterine anomaly (e.g., irreparable Asherman
syndrome; unicornuate uterus associated with recurrent
pregnancy loss);
Absolute psychologic or medical contraindication to preg-
nancy (e.g., pulmonary hypertension);
Serious psychologic or medical condition that could be
exacerbated by pregnancy or cause significant risk to the
mother or fetus;
Biologic inability to conceive or bear a child, such as single
male or homosexual male couple.
Additionally, in the presence of an unidentified endome-
trial factor, such as for patients with multiple unexplained
previous in vitro fertilization failures despite transfer of
good-quality embryos, consideration may be given to the
use of GCs. Further, no owner, operator, laboratory director,
or employee of the practice may serve as a carrier or IP in
that practice.
The US FDA Required Screening and Testing of IPs
and Genetic Contributors
All genetic contributors, including genetic parents and
gamete donors, must be screened in the same manner (1, 2).
The US FDA screening and testing for infectious diseases-
There is no method to completely ensure that infectious
agents will not be transmitted. However, this guidance
(Table 1), including screening for risk factors associated
with infectious diseases; assessing for physical signs of infec-
tious diseases; and testing for infectious diseases should
signicantly reduce these risks.
If the sperm or oocyte source is a non-identied (‘‘ anony-
mous’’) donor, refer to the ASRM Practice Committee docu-
ment titled ‘‘ Guidance Regarding Gamete and Embryo
Donation,’’ last published in 2021 (3, 4).
If an embryo was created with an initial intent to be used by
sexually intimate partners but is later decided to be trans-
ferred to a GC or a donor embryo recipient, refer to the
ASRM document titled ‘‘ Guidance Regarding Gamete and
Embryo Donation’’ (3).
Questionnairesee FDA Medical History Questionnaire(2, 5);
Physical examinationsee FDA Physical Examination (6);
Laboratory testingsee FDA Laboratory Testing within 7
days of semen production and 30 days before or 7 days af-
ter oocyte acquisition (7).
Prospective genetic contributors with any identified risk
factors based on screening questionnaires, physical examina-
tion, or laboratory testing are considered ineligible for anon-
ymous (non-identied donor) tissue donation according to
guidelines issued by the FDA. According to current FDA
guidelines, embryos created by such individuals can still be
transferred into a GC provided that the tissue is labeled to
indicate any associated increased risks and that both the IPs
and GC are aware of the theoretical increased risk and have
verbally consented to moving forward with transfer.
Although the FDA does not require that the GC be informed
of the results of the screening, the ASRM strongly recom-
mends that embryos created using gametes from individuals
considered ineligible should only be transferred to a GC
who is adequately informed and counseled regarding the
associated potential risks.
The US FDA eligibility physical examination A physical ex-
amination should be performed to determine whether individ-
uals might be at high risk of HIV, STIs, or other infections that
might be transmissible by using a GC. Prospective egg or
sperm sources should be marked as ‘‘ineligible’’ when specic
ndings are identied on the physical examination.
Guidance for industry: Eligibility determination for donors
of human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based prod-
ucts: (6);
Sample donor physical examination form:
https://www. dance% 20Do cu
ment%20No.%201%2C%20v2%20%286.27.05%29.pdf (4).
The US FDA eligibility medical questionnaire Complete per-
sonal and sexual history should be obtained to determine
whether individuals might be at high risk of HIV, STIs, or
other infections that might be transmissible via use of a GC.
Prospective egg or sperm sources should be marked as ‘‘ inel-
igible’’ when specic ndings are identied on history. For
the complete list of the medical history ndings that
would make a gamete source ineligible, please see the
ASRM Practice Committee document on gamete and em-
bryo donation (3).
The US Food and Drug Administration eligibility laboratory
testing Laboratory requirements for FDA donor eligibility are
outlined in Table 2.
Laboratory testing resources.
Guidance for industry: Eligibility determination for do-
nors of human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-
based products:
nload (6);
Guidance for industry: Donor screening recommendations
to reduce the risk of transmission of Zika virus by human
cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products: (4).
Managing laboratory results A positive test should be veri-
ed before notifying the potential genetic parent. If a test is
conrmed positive, the individual should be referred for
appropriate counseling and management.
Individuals with false-positive test results for syphilis us-
ing nontreponemal assays that are confirmed to be negative
using a treponemal-based assay are considered eligible.
66 VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022
Individuals found to be positive for syphilis, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae,orChlamydia trachomatis should be treated, re-
tested, and deferred from creating embryos for use in a GC for
3 months after documentation that treatment was successful
before being reconsidered. If evidence is presented that treat-
ment occurred more than 3 months ago and was successful,
no further deferral is needed as long as current testing does
not indicate an active infection.
Men who test positive for active cytomegalovirus (CMV)
infection (positive urine or throat culture or paired serum sam-
ples demonstrating a 4-fold rise in immunoglobulin G (IgG)
antibody and immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody at least 30%
of the IgG level) should be excluded until signs of active infec-
tion are no longer present. Ideally, CMV IgM should be negative
at time of sperm acquisition. There are many strains of CMV,
and superinfection in the GC is possible even if she is CMV
IgG positive. The risk of CMV transmission and newborn
CMV infection from an embryo transfer is extremely low, and
such infants appear to have no significant illness or other
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine
Recommended Testing, Screening, and Procedures
Psychologic counseling The decision to proceed with a GC is
complex, and IPs may benet from psychologic counseling.
The physician should strongly recommend psychosocial edu-
cation and counseling by a qualified mental health profes-
sional to all IPs. If involved, gamete donors should undergo
psychoeducational evaluation as detailed in the ASRM docu-
ment on gamete and embryo donation (3). The assessment
should include a clinical interview and, where appropriate,
psychologic testing described in Psychoeducational
Genetic screening Any genetic source of oocytes, sperm or
embryos (‘‘ genetic contributors’’ ) should be offered appro-
priate genetic evaluation. Screening for cystic brosis, spi-
nal muscular atrophy, and thalassemia or
hemoglobinopathy carrier status should be performed for
all genetic parents (8). Additional expanded carrier
screening may also be appropriate. Panethnic expanded
carrier screening is recommended over ethnicity-based
panels, given the limitations of self-reported ethnicity,
increasing multiethnic populations, and rare recessive con-
ditions that can occur in any ethnic group, despite lower
carrier frequencies. It is important to note that different
panels may test for different conditions; ideally, the
oocyte and sperm sources should be screened for the
same conditions. If carrier screening is performed using
different panels through the same or different laboratories,
ideally a professional should review the results to evaluate
and disclose the reproductive risk to help determine
whether additional screening is warranted.
Medical evaluation The IPs and any genetic contributor(s)
should undergo a complete medical evaluation, including a
thorough history and targeted physical examination, to
ensure that they are healthy enough to proceed with appli-
cable procedures involving ART.
Quarantine of embryos The quarantining of embryos is not
required by the FDA for use in a GC. However, the ASRM rec-
ommends that potential GCs should be offered the option of
cryopreserving and quarantining embryos derived from the
genetic contributors for 35 days, with the release of embryos
only after each genetic contributor has been retested and has
received confirmed negative results.
Record keeping The FDA requires that records pertaining to
each genetic contributor (screening and test results) be
maintained for at least 10 years. However, in the opinion of
the ASRM, a permanent record of each genetic contributor
and each IP(s) initial screening, testing, and
subsequent follow-up evaluations should be maintained. To
the extent possible, the clinical outcome for each cycle should
be recorded. A mechanism should exist to maintain such
records as a future medical resource for any offspring
Sperm and oocyte US Food and Drug Administration requirements and American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommendations (13).
Sperm and oocyte sources and intended parents
FDA requirements ASRM recommendation (in addition to FDA requirements)
Legal consultation and laws may vary by state
Physical examination
Medical questionnaire
Laboratory testing (Table 2)
Sperm source: Infectious laboratory tests at an FDA-approved
laboratory (including CMV IgM and IgG and HTLV-1 and -2 on sperm
source) within 7 days of sperm acquisition.
Oocyte source: Infectious laboratory tests at an FDA-approved laboratory 30
days before, or up to 7 days after, oocyte acquisition.
May use ‘‘ ineligible’’ tissue but must label and consent appropriately
Psychologic counseling
Genetic screening
Medical evaluation
Legal consultation, laws may vary by state
Note: ASRM ¼ American Society for Reproductive Medicine; FDA ¼ US Food and Drug Administration; CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; HTLV ¼ human T-cell lymphotropic virus; IgG ¼ immunoglobulin G;
IgM ¼ immunoglobulin M.
If the sperm or oocyte source is an unidentied (previously termed ‘‘ anonymous’’ ) donor, refer to the ASRM bulletin ASRM gamete and embryo donation (6).
ASRM. Gestational carriers. Fertil Steril 2022.
VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022 67
Fertility and Sterilit
Selection of GCs
The recommended screening and counseling of gestational
carriers is outlined in Table 3.
Carriers must be of legal age, and preferably between the
ages of 21 and 45 years. Certain situations may dictate
the use of a carrier older than 45 years, but all parties
involved must be informed about the potential risks of
pregnancy with advancing maternal age.
Ideally, the carrier should have had at least one, term, un-
complicated pregnancy before being considered as a GC for
another couple.
Ideally, the carrier should not have had more than a total of
five previous deliveries or three deliveries via cesarean
Carriers must have a stable family environment with
adequate support to help her cope with the added stress
of pregnancy.
Infectious Disease Screening and Testing of a GC
Complete personal and sexual history should be obtained to
identify individuals who might be at high risk of HIV, STIs,
or other acquired infections that might be transmissible to
the fetus. In addition, a physical examination report should
be obtained to determine whether individuals might be at
high risk for HIV, STIs, or other infections that might be trans-
missible to the fetus. The carrier should not be used when any
of the following findings are present:
Physical evidence for the risk of sexually transmitted dis-
ease, such as genital ulcerative lesions, herpes simplex,
chancroid, and urethral discharge;
Physical evidence of risk for syphilis or evidence of
Physical evidence of nonmedical percutaneous drug
use, such as needle tracks; the examination should include
the examination of tattoos, which might obscure needle
Physical evidence of recent tattooing, ear piercing, or body
piercing (within the past 12 months) where sterile tech-
nique was not used.
Disseminated lymphadenopathy;
Unexplained oral thrush;
Blue or purple spots consistent with Kaposi sarcoma;
Unexplained jaundice, hepatomegaly, or icterus;
Large scab consistent with recent history of smallpox
Eczema vaccinatum, generalized vesicular rash, severely
necrotic lesion (consistent with vaccinia necrosum), or
corneal scarring (consistent with vaccinial keratitis).
Laboratory Testing
There is no method to completely ensure that the GC will not
have infectious agents that could be transmitted to the fetus.
However, the following guidance, combined with an adequate
medical history and specific exclusion of individuals at high
risk of HIV and other STIs, should dramatically reduce these
risks. Although FDA does not require screening or testing of
GCs for possible transmissible infectious diseases to the fetus,
the ASRM recommends the testing of all GCc and their part-
ners before embryo transfer to protect the health and interests
of all parties involved.
HIV-1 antibody;
HIV-2 antibody;
HIV group O antibody;
HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 (male partner of GC only);
Hepatitis C antibody;
Hepatitis B surface antigen;
Hepatitis B core antibody (IgG and IgM);
HIV, HBV, and HCV nucleic acid test;
Serologic test for syphilis;
CMV (IgG and IgM) (Male partner of GC only);
N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis testing using the nucleic
acid test on urine or a cervical or urethral swab using an
FDA-licensed, -approved, or -cleared test labeled for the
detection of these organisms in an asymptomatic, low-
prevalence population.
Before acceptance, the potential GC should undergo a
complete medical evaluation by a qualified medical profes-
sional, including preconception counseling and evaluation
(9). In addition, the medical professional should provide
counseling regarding screening, uterine preparation, embryo
transfer, and hormonal support. A uterine cavity evaluation
by saline-infusion sonogram or another modality is highly
Preconception Testing
Blood type and Rh factor. If there is potential for Rh incom-
patibility, couples should be informed about the obstetric
significance of this condition.
Cervical cancer screening per guidance from the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG);
Mammogram according to ACOG guidance;
Titers for varicella and rubella;
Urine drug screen;
Clinics should strongly consider requiring vaccination for
GCs against diseases (such as Coronavirus Disease 2019
and other diseases per CDC, ACOG, and ASRM) and advise
IPs to include the requirement of the vaccination of GCs in
their contracts.
Managing Laboratory Results
A positive test should be confirmed before notifying the in-
dividual. If a test is confirmed positive, the individual
should be referred for appropriate counseling and
Individuals who test positive for HIV-1, HIV-2, HIV group
O antibody, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C should generally not
be allowed to serve as GCs. Exceptions to this recommenda-
tion require careful counseling, informed consent, and the
documentation of risks in the medical records.
68 VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022
Individuals found to be positive for syphilis, N. gonor-
rhoeae or C. trachomatis should be treated, retested, and
deferred from use as a GC until after documentation that
treatment was successful and no longer considered to be in-
fectious before being reconsidered.
Individuals with false-positive results for syphilis using
non-treponemal assays that are confirmed to be negative
using a treponemal-based assay are eligible to be used as
Women or their partners who test positive for active infec-
tion with CMV (positive urine or throat culture or paired
serum samples demonstrating a 4-fold rise in IgG antibody
and IgM antibody at least 30% of the IgG level) should be
excluded from serving as a carrier until signs of active
infection are no longer present.
Psychosocial evaluation and counseling by a
qualified mental health professional is
recommended for all potential GCs and their
partners (See Psych oeducational Counseling)
Cross-Border GCs The use of a GC in a country remote from
the IPs introduces potential ethical challenges as well as legal
and logistic issues. For detailed discussion of cross-border
reproductive care, refer to the document of the ASRM Ethics
Committee on this topic (10).
The arrangement between a GC and IPs is a multistep process
that begins with an evaluation of the GC and their partner (if
applicable) and a separate psychoeducational consultation for
IPs, both led by a mental health professional trained to work
in the area of third-party reproduction (11). The nal step in
this process is a joint session for prospective GCs and IPs,
whether or not they have a pre-existing relationship.
The psychologic evaluation and counseling of GCs and their
partners is one aspect of the overall selection of a GC. The psy-
chologic evaluation should occur before legal counseling and
the signing of legal contracts with any IP(s). The psychologic
evaluation and implication counseling is the same for directed
and agency recruited GCs.
A psychologic evaluation and implication counseling by
a qualified mental health professional experienced in GC
evaluations is required for all potential GCs and their partner
and/or primary support person or family member. If done by
telehealth, telehealth guidance must be adhered to when
conducting any type of consultation or evaluation remotely
in the guidance that applies to all sections.
Psychologic evaluation The psychologic assessment of a GC
includes a clinical interview, psychologic testing (9), and
implication counseling. An evaluation should be
administered any time a new surrogacy contract is initiated,
and if an evaluation was conducted over a year before the
new contract, a new evaluation should be conducted.
The purpose and content of the assessment will be
described, and informed consent will be obtained.
The evaluation includes standardized, empirically validated
testing that is designed for the assessment and/or screening
of mental and behavioral disorders, which should adhere to
the established standards of professional and ethical prac-
tice (12). The examples of assessments include personality
inventories (i.e., Personality Assessment Inventory, Minne-
sota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) (13, 14).
Collateral contact with other treating mental health profes-
sionals (i.e., psychiatrists, psychotherapists).
A clinical interview should be conducted and include the
Social and educational history, including family of
Religious or other belief systems that may inuence
Strengths and Resources (e.g., approach to solving
conict and managing stressors).
Psychiatric or psychologic history, included but not limited
to the following:
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders;
Major depression;
Signicant anxiety disorder;
Bipolar disorder;
Eating disorders;
Prior hospitalizations, suicide attempts, psychotropic
medication(s), and counseling.
Social and interpersonal history:
Current relationships;
Support of signicant other (if applicable);
Social network/support system.
Occupational history;
Laboratory tests required for US Food and Drug Administration
eligibility determination.
Chlamydia (NAT)
Gonorrhea (NAT)
Hepatitis B surface antigen
HIV-2 antibody
HIV-2 antibody
HIV group O antibody
Hepatitis C antibody
West Nile virus NAT
HTLV-1 and -2 (sperm only)
CMV IgM and IgG (sperm only)
Note: CMV ¼ cytomegalovirus; HBV ¼ hepatitis B virus; HCV ¼ hepatitis C virus; HIV ¼ hu-
man immunodeciency virus; HTLV ¼ human T-cell lymphotropic virus; IgG ¼ immunoglob-
ulin G; IgM ¼ immunoglobulin M; NAT ¼ nucleic acid test; RPR ¼ rapid plasma reagin test for
ASRM. Gestational carriers. Fertil Steril 2022.
VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022 69
Fertility and Sterilit
Flexibility and stability of employment to support the de-
mands of a GC arrangement;
Sexual history, reproductive trauma, and unresolved nega-
tive reproductive events;
Substance use history, included but not limited to tobacco,
alcohol, marijuana, recreational drugs, prescription drugs;
History of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse;
Current and past legal history including but not limited to
bankruptcy, custody dispute, involvement of local child
welfare services, and termination of parental rights;
Personality (e.g., maturity, judgment, assertiveness, and
Current major life stressors or anticipated life changes;
GC experience:
Previous GC experience or application to another fa-
cility or rejection from another facility;
Motivation to become a GC;
Discussion of the identities of all parties and the ways
in which these might impact the arrangement. These
may include race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeco-
nomic status;
Ideas on attachment and ability to detach from a
Desire for more children of her own;
How GC compensation will be used.
Assess for coercion including but not limited to the
Financial including primary source of income and
government assistance programs;
Dual relationships (e.g., employee/employer).
Mental status evaluation.
Additionally, directed GC arrangements should also
consider the following while assessing appropriateness of a
specic match:
Stability of current/past relationship;
Impact on overlapping social networks;
Potential for negative outcome to impact relationship;
History of successful conict management.
Implication counseling Gestational carriers and their part-
ners or support person both need to participate in implication
counseling that explores the following:
Treatment plan
Discuss their understanding of the medical protocol,
including source of gametes, sexual abstinence, sched-
uling demands, risks of cancelled cycles or unsuccessful
cycles, number of embryos transferred, multiple preg-
nancy, multifetal pregnancy reduction, prenatal diag-
nostic testing, and elective termination;
Provide psychoeducation on ASRM and Society for Assis-
ted Reproductive Technology (SART) guidance related to
single embryo transfer (SET) (15);
Discuss attitudes toward prenatal diagnostic testing, multi-
fetal pregnancy reduction, pregnancy loss, and the termi-
nation of pregnancy;
Informing the GC about her right to make choices for her
Elucidate concerns about the potential complications of
pregnancy and the potential loss of own fertility.
Psychosocial impact of pregnancy
Ability to separate from and relinquish the child and antic-
ipated future feelings toward them;
Risks of both GC and her familys attachment to the child;
The impact of the pregnancy on relationship dynamics
(e.g., family, friends, faith communities, workplace).
Lifestyle choices Expectations of the GC regarding travel,
exercise, diet, sexual activity, alcohol, tobacco use, etc.
should be discussed
Relationship with IP(s) Expectations and management of
present, and future relationship between GC and her family
with the IP(s) and their children
Hospital preferences
Comfort level with IP(s) in delivery room;
Openness to baby caretaking/interaction after delivery;
Preferences regarding breast milk.
Criteria for rejection of a GC candidate
Inadequate cognitive functioning to support informed
Evidence of financial or emotional coercion;
Abnormal psychologic evaluation or testing results as
determined by the qualied mental health professional;
Unresolved or untreated alcohol and/or drug abuse or
addiction, child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse,
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or traumatic preg-
nancy, labor and/or delivery;
Current use of psychoactive medication;
History of major depression, postpartum mood disorder, bi-
polar disorder, psychosis, or a clinically signicant anxiety
disorder with impaired functioning;
Interpersonal or environmental instability, for example:
Current marital or relationship instability;
Insufcient emotional support from partner/ spouse or
support system;
Screening and counseling of gestational carriers.
Medical evaluation and counseling
Infectious disease screening and testing
Medical history (questionnaire)
Physical examination
Laboratory testing
Psychosocial evaluation and counseling
Preconception testing
Uterine cavity evaluation
Legal counseling
ASRM. Gestational carriers. Fertil Steril 2022.
70 VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022
Chaotic lifestyle, current major life stressor(s).
Inability to maintain respectful and caring relationship
with others;
Evidence of an inability to emotionally separate from/sur-
render the child at birth;
Failure to exhibit altruistic commitment to become a GC;
Excessively stressful family demands;
History of conict with authority;
Inability to perceive and understand the perspective of
Motivation to use compensation to solve own infertility;
Unresolved issues with a negative reproductive event.
The decision to use a GC is complex, and patients and their
partners (if applicable) will benefit from psychosocial educa-
tion to aid in this decision. The physician must require psy-
chosocial education and counseling by a qualified mental
health professional (11) trained in GC evaluation and psycho-
education to all IPs.
Psychoeducational consultation for IPs
A clinical interview that should explore the IP(s) history of
infertility or family building efforts as well as coping stra-
tegies for these challenges;
The potential impact of the relationship between the IP and
GC and future contact;
Discussion of the identities of all parties and the ways in
which these might impact the arrangement. These may
include race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status;
Exploring with IPs about significant psychologic issues that
could compromise successful collaboration with the GC;
Discussion about use of donor gametes in creating the
Expectations related to privacy and disclosure to friends
and family including use of social media;
Exploring with the IP(s) the potential for communication
challenges, degree and locus of control issues, as well as
other emotional risks, e.g., grief, guilt, jealousy, and con-
cerns, regarding bonding that may be associated with the
GC process;
Discussion of the medical protocol, scheduling demands, risks
of cancelled cycles or unsuccessful cycles, number of embryos
transferred, multiple pregnancy, multifetal pregnancy reduc-
tion, prenatal diagnostic testing, and elective termination;
Requirement of IP(s) alignment with the GC regarding med-
ical decision-making;
Meeting the emotional and psychosocial needs of the GC
and her family;
Expectations about the GCs behavior during pregnancy
and methods for resolving conicts (e.g., eating habits, pre-
scription drugs, alcohol);
Expectations of disclosure of the GCs role to any born chil-
d(ren) and scope of relationship between GC, IP(s), and chil-
dren after birth;
Disposition of extra embryos;
Need for separate legal consultation and a written contract.
Criteria for rejection of IPs
Inability to maintain respectful and caring relationship
with GC;
Current or previous perpetrators of sexual or physical abuse
or involvement of local child welfare services and termina-
tion of parental rights;
Gross marital or relationship instability;
Intended parents failure to follow ASRM guidance on
number of embryos transferred and inability to agree
with GCs decision on number of embryos transferred, se-
lective reduction, and pregnancy termination;
Ongoing legal disputes;
History of noncompliance or ongoing problem-atic inter-
actions with program or medical staff;
Intended parents reproductive plan is to pursue concurrent
pregnancies by embryo transfers to more than 1 GC or by
seeking concurrent pregnancies for a GC and an IP.
Joint Session for GC and Partner (If Applicable)
With IP(s)
The physician should require a joint session led by a mental
health professional knowledgeable about these arrangements
and appropriately trained to review the topics outlined below.
The joint session is a meeting with the prospective GC, and
their partner, and IP(s) with the mental health professional;
this meeting is held to ensure that everyone begins the treat-
ment phase aligned in their expectations of each other and the
Joint session topics The joint session topics include, but are
not limited to, the following:
An agreement on the expected timeline of treatment;
Understanding of the medical procedures involved;
Discussion of number of embryos to be transferred and
number of cycles planned in their contract;
Discussion of each partys feelings about prenatal testing,
multifetal pregnancy reduction and termination of a preg-
nancy to determine whether all are in agreement as to how
they would proceed in the event decisions about these is-
sues arose during their treatment or the pregnancy;
Expectations for how the IPs would like to participate in the
pregnancy and delivery;
Expectations for communication between the IPs and the
GC, including frequency and preferred format;
Strategies for managing and resolving conicts that may
arise during the pregnancy;
Discussion of the identities of all parties and the ways in
which these might impact the arrangement. These may
include race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status;
Expectations for the GCs behaviors following the transfer
and during the pregnancy (e.g., diet, exercise, travel, social
media, vaccinations);
Discussion of expectations for behaviors that may be
affected by current medical events (e.g., Coronavirus Dis-
ease 2019, traveling, vaccination, Zika);
Discussion about the IPs interest in receiving breast milk
from the GC after the birth and whether the GC is willing
to attempt pumping after the birth;
VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022 71
Fertility and Sterilit
Expectations for how each party envisions their relation-
ship after their GC arrangement has ended.
Criteria for rejection of the arrangement between the GC
and IP(s)
Gestational carriers unavailability for the IP(s) preferred
timeline for treatment (e.g., due to schedule conicts,
Disagreement on the plan for medical treatment (e.g., num-
ber of embryos transferred);
Any evidence of discordance in how decisions would be
made during the present GC arrangement in regard to
prenatal testing, multifetal reduction, induction of labor,
cesarean section, or termination of a pregnancy;
Evidence of incompatibility in communication preferences;
Disagreement between the GC and IPs on expectations
for behaviors following the transfer and during the preg-
nancy (e.g., diet, exercise, travel, social media,
Disagreement between the GC and IPs regarding the GCs
behaviors in response to a medical event during the GC
Divergent expectations about the relationship between the
parties both during and following the GC arrangement;
Special consideration should be given to matches where a
pre-existing relationship exists, that participating as a GC
is voluntary, without evidence of coercion, and will do no
harm to the current relationship.
Laws relevant to GC arrangements vary from state to state
and may also change, as to both legal parentage and
conduct of the participants. It is imperative that each partic-
ipant or participant couple, meaning the GC with any
spouse, and any single IP or partnered IPs in a GC arrange-
ment, have independent legal counsel who is licensed in the
applicable state, to represent, advise, and assist them before
entering into a GC agreement and in executing a legal
agreement. The legal counsel should remain available to
represent, advise, and assist them throughout the GC
arrangement. Before initiation of any treatment, a fully
executed legal agreement, a clearance letter attesting to
the completion of a legal agreement, and all informed con-
sent documents, including a medical release that authorizes
the ART practitioner to share with all participants otherwise
privileged medical information pertinent to the GC arrange-
ment, should be in place.
The central issues legal agreements should address:
establishment of legal parentage and non-parentage;
conduct of the parties; expectations and decision-making
as to prenatal testing, pregnancy management, and deliv-
ery; coverage for medical expenses; nancial arrangements
for agreed on fees and expenses; allocation of risk(s) and
responsibility, and escrow arrangements. Although mutual
understandings as to selective reduction and/or termination
should be addressed, no agreement should contradict
constitutionally protected reproductive decision-making
by a GC as to prenatal and pregnancy decision-making.
Experienced ART legal counsel is strongly recommended
as GC arrangements involve a novel area of the law with
many state law nuances and potential overlap or conicts
with other jurisdictions as well as other potential areas of
the law. Before medical treatment, and no later than the
initiation of an in vitro fertilization cycle, legal counsel
for the parties should present the ART practitioner with a
legal clearance letter attesting to the completion and
execution of a contract between the participants with inde-
pendent legal counsel, and the relevant information for the
treating physician such as the maximum number of em-
bryos to transfer, maximum number of transfer attempts
agreed to, and any time limits for those procedures or the
Protection of Confidentiality
Individuals participating in GC programs should be assured
that their confidentiality and medical information will be pro-
tected insofar as federal and local laws and regulations
permit. Medical records detailing the eligibility of the IPs
and GC should be maintained as stipulated by federal and
local requirements.
Single embryo transfer is strongly recommended in all GC cy-
cles, given the health risks associated with multiple gestations
for the GC (15). The ASRM recommends that at a minimum,
age-related limits on the number of embryos to transfer
should be followed. However, this could result in the transfer
of multiple embryos to a GC when the provider of the oocyte is
38 years of age or older. In cycles for which the provider of the
oocyte is 38 years or older, selection techniques such as pre-
implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, may be consid-
ered. Testing and subsequent elective, single, euploid
embryo transfer may result in a higher likelihood of implan-
tation and a lower chance of multiple gestations (13). This
may obviate the temptation for multiple embryo transfers
when the oocyte source is of an older age.
Acknowledgments: This report was developed under the
direction of the Practice Committee of the American Society
for Reproductive Medicine as a service to its members and
other practicing clinicians. Although this document reects
appropriate management of a problem encountered in the
practice of reproductive medicine, it is not intended to be
the only approved standard of practice or to dictate an exclu-
sive course of treatment. Other plans of management may be
appropriate, taking into account the needs of the individual
patient, available resources, and institutional or clinical prac-
tice limitations. The Practice Committee and the Board of Di-
rectors of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
have approved this report. This document was reviewed by
ASRM members and their input was considered in the prepa-
ration of the nal document. The following members of the
ASRM Practice Committee participated in the development
of this document: Alan Penzias, M.D.; Kristin Bendikson,
72 VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022
M.D.; Marcelle Cedars, M.D.; Tommaso Falcone, M.D.; Karl
Hansen, M.D., Ph.D.; Micah Hill, D.O.; Sangita Jindal, Ph.D.;
Suleena Kalra, M.D., MSCE; Jennifer Mersereau, M.D.; Robert
Rebar, M.D.; Richard Reindollar, M.D.; Anne Steiner, M.D.,
M.P.H.: Cigdem Tanrikut, M.D.; and Belinda Yauger, M.D.
The Practice Committee acknowledges the special contribu-
tion of Anne Steiner, M.D., M.P.H.; Paula Amato, M.D.; Susan
Crockin, J.D.; and Jennifer Kawwass, M.D.; along with the
Mental Health Professional Group Document Working Group
in the preparation of this document. All Committee members
disclosed commercial and nancial relationships with manu-
facturers or distributors of goods or services used to treat pa-
tients. Members of the Committee who were found to have
conicts of interest based on the relationships disclosed did
not participate in the discussion or development of this docu-
DIALOG: You can discuss this article with its authors and
other readers at
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VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022 73
Fertility and Sterilit
Recomendaciones para pr
acticas que utilizan gestantes subrogadas: una opini
on del comit
Este documento ofrece las
ultimas recomendaciones para el cribado, evaluaci
on, y asesoramiento legal y psicoeducacional de ges-
tantes subrogadas y futuros padres. Incorpora la informaci
on reciente del centro americano para el control y prevenci
on de enfer-
medades infecciosas, la administraci
on americana de alimentos y medicamentos, y la asociaci
on americana de bancos de tejidos,
con lo que todos los programas que ofrecen servicios de gestantes subrogadas deben estar totalmente familiarizados. Este docu-
mento reemplaza al previo con el mismo nombre publicado en 2017.
74 VOL. 118 NO. 1 / JULY 2022