Secure document scanning
HP Access Control Scan solutions
Enabling the digital workplace
Technology has made workers more productive than ever. Mobile devices, reliable and fast wireless networks, and powerful cloud
platforms let employees work however, whenever, wherever they want.
But behind the scenes, to deliver on this promise of an “always on” workplace, IT departments must strive to automate manual
processes and digitize the countless documents used in everyday business transactions.
HP Advance output management software helps organizations of all sizes and industries use business information in a secure and
eicient manner. We make data easier and safer to share, less expensive to store, and more useful for employees and customers alike.
Image capture and optimization
Digitization is the process of turning paper-based material into electronic content. That’s the
rst step. To fully realize the benets of the digital workplace, however, you need to do more
than simply scan documents and save them to a network drive.
Using HP Access Control (AC) Scan software, you can improve the appearance and usefulness as
part of the document capture process. Advanced optical character recognition (OCR) functions
turn scanned pages into searchable data. You can also help users make connections between
documents by adding metadata. Powerful image processing tools make it easy to get rid
of stray marks, hole punch spots, and other scanning artifacts that distract users from the
information they need to do their jobs.
Automating document workows
For most organizations, documents drive business processes and ensure that workers remain
productive and on task. When documents must be processed uniformly, HP AC Scan software
can automate the capture, indexing, merging, decollating, and other data-optimization steps.
The result is a highly streamlined document workow that helps your organization utilize the
valuable information locked in your printed documents, while saving time for your employees
and money for the business. Dierent user groups can access custom data capture workows
specically designed to help them perform in the most eicient, secure, and thorough manner.
Scan, optimize, share, and store your critical documents
It takes a lot to transform physical document workows to digital. HP software solutions help you take control of your information and simplify
each step of the process by giving your organization the ability to:
Scan and capture
hardcopy documents
Right from the control panel
of your multifunction printer
(MFP), HP AC Scan helps you
capture content and turn it into
searchable, actionable data that
drives business processes.
Process and optimize
document images
Upside-down, skewed, or blank
pages, punch-hole marks, and
other problems can impact the
usability of scanned documents.
HP AC Scan makes it easy to
clean up scans, add metadata
tags, delete blank pages, and
use OCR to turn stacks of
paper into digital assets.
Share document-
based data throughout
your organization
As an integral part of the
HP Advance holistic output
management solution,
HPAC Scan solutions let you
share digitized documents
in a variety of ways. Custom
workows can be designed to
let users email documents or
save them to a local server or
portal, cloud storage solution,
or other destination.
Store data assets for
reuse and compliance
Once digitized, archived content
is easier to manage and much
less expensive to store. Whether
stored in a content management
system, corporate portal, ODBC-
compliant database, or the
cloud storage provider of your
choice, your document data is
easy to access, search, and use.
Email or fax to dened
recipient lists
HP AC Scan
process and route
based on dened
Archive to servers,
databases, or web-
based folders
Send to cloud
Feed content
management systems
Brochure | HP Access Control Scan solutions
HP AC Scan document workows
Business documents and IT assets take many forms, which is why HP has a powerful suite of
document capture components to help you tailor your infrastructure for the digital workplace.
HP AC Scan solutions can run on numerous touchscreen-enabled MFPs from most leading print
hardware manufacturers. From the MFP user interface (UI), users can scan documents and send
them to a printer, le folder, portal, email address, FTP server, and other destinations, as well as
leverage built-in OCR capabilities.
The solution oers single sign-on via proximity cards, PIN codes, and other authentication
methods. Advanced features oer faster, more exible OCR capabilities, advanced barcode
recognition, automated faxing, and integration with Microsoft® Exchange, SharePoint®, and
leading cloud storage platforms. The basic HP AC Scan software gives walk-up users a set
of ad-hoc document capture options to improve personal productivity. With HP Scan Pro,
administrators can also create custom workows tailored to a given user role or team prole.
Such workows facilitate true business process automation that improves organizational
eiciency while reducing the risk of human error.
For example, administrators can create custom workows specifying that all employees with
Active Directory credentials linked to the Legal department see a specialized workow at the
MFP. With a single touch of a button, the custom workow scans each page of the document
and runs OCR. Then, based on a client number at the top of each page, the software breaks
individual client papers into separate document les, adds a “COPY” watermark, and then routes
les to folders associated with the appropriate clients. This makes ling a breeze and saves
both time and money.
Features and benets at a glance
Features Benets
Intuitive UI Simplify scanning operations to help improve
end user productivity and increased adoption
of digitalization across the enterprise
Consistent UI across a wide variety
of MFP makes and models
Help increase hardware exibility,
reduce training costs, and protect your
software investment over time
Single sign-on capability and integration
with authentication tools such as LDAP,
Active Directory, and Exchange
Streamline end user and administrator tasks related
to user authentication and system maintenance
Customizable scanning workows
based on user or group credentials
Help users perform their work more accurately,
more quickly, and with far less eort
Advanced document retouching
and OCR capabilities
Improve document delity and usability
Kick o pre-congured
workows at the
touch of a button, or
easily customize new
workows at the MFP
Brochure | HP Access Control Scan solutions
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The HP Advance output
management solution
HP AC Scan solutions help you simply, yet eectively, reduce
costs and protect condential information. They are also
an integral part of HP’s robust, scalable HP Advance output
management platform, which helps organizations:
Reduce spending on paper, toner, and other consumables
Consolidate or eliminate printers, print servers and other
costly print infrastructure components
Enhance user and IT sta productivity by eliminating the
burden of print management
Contact HP to learn more about HP Access Control Scan and
other HP Advance output management solutions.
Scan Pro
Append scanned documents to existing les
One-touch multi-route delivery
Validation and formatting of user input values
Folder browsing from MFP
Database lookup from MFP
Send success/failure notications
Search global address books
Search personal contacts
Send email as authenticated user
Control user/group access to workows
Control device access to workows
Prompt for passwords as required
Ability to cache passwords
Support “single sign-on” of users at MFP
Data conversion
Create searchable-text PDF
PDF compression and security (password, encryption)
Create Word, Excel, and PowerPoint les
Scan Pro
Image processing
Image cleanup and auto-rotate of pages
Barcode recognition
Decollate/split scanned document
Add watermarks
Optical character recognition (OCR)
Zonal OCR
Extract zonal OCR elds
Full-page OCR as single zone variable
Input values from user at MFP
Retrieve data using database lookup
Create le/folder names using metadata
Support regular expression logic
Support Boolean expressions for routing rules
Folders, FTP servers, email, and fax
Database and WebDAV
Box, Google Drive™, Microsoft OneDrive®, and
Choose the version that meets your needs
Every organization has dierent document needs, so HP oers both HP AC Scan and
HP AC Scan Pro versions. The table below lists the capabilities of each.
Learn more
Brochure | HP Access Control Scan solutions